chapter 17 - questioning

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Isabella's pov :

I still can't believe I missed the whole day

We are all now downstairs in the living room as I forced everyone down here as I wanna make sure they know they are not forgiven

"Right guys I called you all down here to let you all know I'm still extremely pissed at all of you , okay?" I said from the head of the table like their mother

"So none of you are gonna be demanding me around from now on I get the message I can't escape, whatever but any of you piss me off like that again and I'm gone" I said and summer smiles at me taking charge of the situation for once

"Oh and where am I sleeping tonight?" Both me and summer asked and laugh slightly after but wait for an answer nevertheless

"I'll sleep on the couch" adrain said and I smiled in appreciation

"Yeah me too" Killian said too and summer seemed very pleased with that

It only took for me too faint.

"Alright then" I said with a smile and then I got up and went to get a shower in one of the millions of bathroom's they have here

I just got a shower in adrains en-suite in his Room grabbing a pair of pajamas as it is night time but I don't think I'll be going sleep anytime soon

I unstrip and once again I stupidly look at myself in the mirror

Knowing what it'll do.

The bruising most bright around my neck but still an obvious one around my chin and wrists

Scars that I covered with concealer just this morning now peaking though, the one on my hip that says "CR" his initials in printed on me


It reminds me of today


"You fucking bitches trying to escape?!" He yelled at me and summer after are escape attempt

I was scared but I now knew how to hide it

He started kicking summer making me watch

"STOP PLEASE!" I begged him and that got his attention he stopped kicking summer and made his way over to me like a predator

I was his prey.

He began to choke me

"Please you know she has low iron she'll faint!!" Summer shouted at him begging him to stop but that only made him add pressure

He liked when I was out cold.

I couldn't move when he did it if I was unconscious

"Please carter" is the only thing I got out before I blacked out

End of flashback*

Later that night after he...

Well that doesn't matter he cut both me and summer had write his initials on us both saying if we ever did run then at least a print of proof as to us being his was always there

I couldn't bare it.

A week later we escaped.

For good.

I wanted to scream and shout , I just wanted to cry , I wanted to feel something

A sob left my mouth but I wouldn't let anything more escape.

"Izzy you okay in there?" Emilio asked probably heating me and I didn't know what to reply

"Yep just fine" I said taking a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror putting a strong face on

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