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Obsessive Love ~ Chapter 12 <3
Alia Knight

I spent the next few days just trying to avoid JJ at all costs. It wasn't easy though. It seemed like everywhere I turned, he was there waiting for
me. Rafe started to catch onto this because he claims he saw JJ hopping my fence, Not sure what either were doing outside my house without me knowing but I decided to ignore the fact.
Anyways, after Rafe saw him at my house, he'd been watching me non stop, and it wasn't just him being by my side all the time, sometimes I would catch him watch from a distance, or see his car parked by my driveway.

"Get up." A pillow smacks me in the face, waking me up instantly. "The fuck?" I groan as I throw the pillow aimlessly, my eyes still adjusting to the sun filling the room. I slept at Toppers house last night along with Ash and Kelce, Well. It was supposed to be all of us but Ash got drunk and horny and next thing I know, she and Kelce are heading out the door. "It's 2pm Al's. Sarah's coming over any minute and she'll freak if she see's you in my bed." Topper stands over me, tugging the blankets off of me.

"Are you guys back together?" I say excitedly as I sit up. Topper and Sarah had a complicated relationship. I personally really liked Sarah, and it was nice having her around. On the other hand, she and Topper together were...interesting. I always thought they got along better when they were just friends but who am I to judge?
"We were never not together." He insists and I raise my eyebrow at him as I climb out of his bed.
"Topper you were both fucking around with other people for a month straight, I'm pretty sure that qualifies as not being together." I scoff as I throw my hair into a ponytail.

I walk into Toppers bathroom and grab my toothbrush off the counter. Staying at Toppers house was a normal occurrence for me. We lived practically down the street from eachother. One night I got into a really bad fight with my mother, a few nights after my dad has passed. I just couldn't be at home so I ran to Toppers house and we just talked all night, by the time we realized what time it was, the sun had already come up. After that it just became a normal routine for us, and I know what you're thinking, No. Topper and I have never even looked at each other as more than brother and sister.
He was your neighborhood best friend that you assumed you were going to marry when you were kids, but as soon as you grew up, you realized that being in a relationship was completely out of the question.

I wet my toothbrush before squirting the mint flavored paste onto my brush. Topper walks into the bathroom and looks at me. "Do you think it'll work this time?" He asks as I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth. I wipe my lips and turn to look at him. "If you're serious about her, and you show her that you want to be with her, then I can't see why not." I shrug. "I mean you've already been together before, you know you can work. Now you just have to convince her to stay."


I say goodbye to Topper and Sarah before I walk back to my house. It was getting late and the breeze had definitely picked up. I quickly run up the steps to my house and throw the door open, my teeth chattering as I rush inside. "Mom!" I call out and pause for a few seconds. When no one answers I run up to my room and pull open my closet door.
My closet was more than just a place where I store clothes, I also stored the items that my Mother would most definitely send me back to rehab for if she ever found them.

I reach behind my coats and pull out a small white box and sit down on the ground as I grab a lighter from a spare shoe box. I pull out one of my pre rolls and begin to light it when my eyes shift to the ziplock bag of white powder. I sigh as I shut the box and return my focus back to the joint rested between my fingers.
"Do it. Just one more time."
"One more time won't hurt."
"They'll never know-"

"SHUT UP!" I scream as I press my hands against my ears. Not real. Not real. They're not real. I sigh to myself before grabbing the white box and hurrying out of my closet. Cocaine has been apart of my life ever since I was 15. Ever since I met Barry. I started using it and just couldn't get myself to stop. Being sent to rehab was not the greatest moment of my life, I didn't really care enough to fully quit and I still don't care enough.

I rushed downstairs and headed out to the patio which overlooked the water. I sat down on the white couch and set the box on the table in front of me. I pour a tiny bit of the coke out onto the table, arranging it into a line. I pulled a bill out of the box and rolled it up, carefully placing the dollar into my nostril, I lean down and inhale the powder. Tilting my head back I let out a long sigh as I press one finger onto the opposite nostril and give it one last sniff to get the rest of the powder up my nose.

I put the bag back into my box and grab the joint. I light the end of the joint and lean back against the couch as I inhale and let out a puff of smoke.
"Since when do you smoke Knight?" A voice asks from my behind me. I didn't even have to look up to know who was approaching me. "Since forever Cameron." I reply as I offer him the joint, he takes it from me and examines it. "Who did you get it from?" He questions and I kick my feet up onto the table. "JJ." I reply. His face slightly twists up in disgust as he hands it back to me. "I'm good."

I shrug as I take it back. "More for me I guess." I say as he sits down next to me. I raise the joint back to my lips but put it down when I can feel Rafe staring at me. I slowly turn my head and watch as he examines my face. "What, do I have a pimple or something?" I ask and he shakes his head as he lifts his hands up to my face and wipes his finger across my nose. "No just a bit of coke." He replies.

"That's not coke." I claim smugly as I take another hit. "Trust me Knight, I know a lot more about that shit then you do." He scoffs and I nod. "I know you do, it's only my first time doing it." I added and he raises an eyebrow at me. "I thought the night at the party was your first time." He questions. So now a guy finally wants to listen to me. Hooray. "It was." I state and he gives me another confused look. "Lia, this stuff is really dangerous." He urged.
"Don't you do it?" I questioned and he nods, "Yeah but I don't give a fuck what happens to me, you on the other hand." His eyes flicker from mine to the white box sitting on the table by my ankles.

My eyes follow his and before I know it, we're both rushing to grab the box. I groan when his hand gets to it before mine. "You seem very attached to this." He holds up the box  and shakes it. He cocks his head as the contents inside the box rattle. I practically jump on top of him trying to get the box away from him. He swats me away and turns his back to me. I can hear the latch on the box flick open and I groan as I lean back into the couch.

Rafe sets the box down and starts walking down my lawn. I glance into the box and notice that all that remained was my weed. I quickly stand up and run after him. I chase him onto the dock and practically cry out when I watch as he flings the coke and pills into the water. "WHAT THE FUCK RAFE??" I scream as I stomp towards him. The look on his face remains calm as he looks from the water back to me. "First time huh?" He asks and I slowly shrink down onto the dock and place my head in between my knees. "That was my last gram." I mumble.

Rafe slowly sits down next to me and examines my face. "I know an addict when I see one Lia." He mutters. "I'm not an addict, I could stop whenever I wanted." I insist and he smiles. "Good, because plastic floats." He says as his eyes shift to the plastic baggy sitting just on top of the water. Without thinking, I'm jumping off the end of the dock into the water. I swim towards the bag and grab it. Once i'm back up on the dock, I give myself a small victory smile until my gaze meets Rafes. My smile slowly fades as I play with the baggie in my hand. "Ok, I might have a slight problem."

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicWhere stories live. Discover now