Chap 19: Low budget Sabrina

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The sound of my alarm wakes me from my not too deep slumber and I take a good amount of time to just sit and stare groggily at the wall.

When I'm done staring into space I make the effort to take a shower. The bath is so soothing I wish today was a Saturday. I don't let it get to me too much or else I'm sleeping in the bathtub till noon.

I walk back into the room then look for an outfit when I'm satisfied with the dress, I put my hair dryer on so I can get my hair ready. Once it's dry enough I brush it. I blink back tears as I brush my overly fizzy hair. Once it looks presentable enough I put on my hair straightener and with patience and perseverance I make it seem like I'm one of the Kardashians.. okay not really but.. you know.

It's like Noah had slipped in through my window to drop my things because after my shower I noticed my bag on my desk and clothes folded neatly beside it. He really never uses the front door, does he?.

Today, I think I woke up in an unusual mood. I'm happy for some reason and I like it. I walk downstairs wearing a yellow flower print dress to match my mood with a denim jacket over it.

"Morning mum", I chirp and she smiles up at me from the couch where she's seated.

"What's got you in a good mood?", She asks and I chuckle slightly because I have no idea.

"Just happy I guess", I say walking into the kitchen. My mum follows from behind. I pick up a plate then turn so I can get some pancakes but I stop when I notice her staring at me.

"Um is everything okay?", I ask awkwardly.

"Yeah. You're looking pretty.. as always", she smiles and I smile too.


I walk down the road humming to the song I'm listening to. Like I said, I don't really take my phone out with me that much but today I really felt like playing some music to lessen my thought on the long walk. Even if I'm happy I can still get tired easily.

I hold on to my straps and walk a bit faster but not too fast so I'm not panting and whizzing by the time I get to school. I don't want to miss first period but with the way I'm walking freely with the music I'm gonna.

My eyes land on a familiar house and I quickly recognize it. It's Callie's house. The red door and golden door knob was hard to miss. I notice her dad's car isn't parked on the porch so I'm pretty sure he's taken her to school already or maybe he's still running some coffee errands down the street..

A hand finds comfort on my shoulder and I yelp jumping higher than I've ever at P.E .. ok no, I literally didn't leave the ground. I turn with a hand on my chest to see..

"Abby right?",

"Serial- I mean Mr Jefferson", I say quickly correcting the massive error I was about to lay down.

"Callie just left for school, were you waiting for her?", He asks and I shake my head but he still continues anyway, "Why didn't you just call her?".

"", I say still trying to catch my breath. "I don't have her number anyway", I let him know and there's an O forming on his lips.

"Oh, well then I'll just give it to you", he says fishing out his phone from his pocket. He searches for the number first before calling it out for me.

"Got it", I say saving the number.

"Ok then I'll leave you to head to school", he says and I nod giving out a little awkward hand wave before walking down the road again.

I get to school perfectly without a pant or a whizz and I'm still a minute or two early. I hope two though because I don't think a minute is enough for me to get to class.

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