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I held my breath as Dominick and his grandmother stepped through the doorway of Blanche's Boudoir.

Months ago, when we were little more than strangers who had hooked up inside the private dance room at his grandmother's strip club, I hadn't known what this place and all its eccentricities meant to him. It just seemed like a dump that had a really cool group of dedicated octogenarian fans.

But now, I knew just how important this place was. Blanche's had been his safe place. His refuge from a complicated childhood.

Then, I came along and helped his grandmother change everything he loved about the club, including the dance routines. He resented me for a long time, and I wondered if any of that resentment lingered but pushed the thought aside. I had to believe him when he said he didn't.

Somewhere along the way, between pushing myself out of my comfort zone and falling in love, this club became my safe place, too. I wasn't attached to the outdated furnishings in the way Dominick was, but experienced the same feeling of acceptance whenever we were here.

From listening to Blanche's stories about her upbringing in Paris or her whirlwind time as a dancer, to the history of how she met her best friends in the world, right here in the city, anything felt possible within these walls.

Including learning how to accept myself. Flaws and all. I wasn't there yet, but because of this place and these people, I knew I could get to a place of acceptance.

True to my word, I never told Dominick about his grandmother's money troubles or that the reason why she had done all these renovations was so that she could pass something great down to him.

In some strange way, whenever I saw the two of them together, I thought that he must know just how deeply Blanche cared about him and that he was the reason she risked financial ruin just to give him a profitable business.

I introduced my best friends, new and old, to each other. The boys from the club and Blanche's Brawds to Maren, DeShuana, West, and Kennedy. Lucas was the only person, other than me, who knew everyone, and he was in his element, excitedly chatting. Looking like the clean-cut Conneticut-born rugby player that he was in a smart-looking suit and tie.

Kennedy seemed to have taken note of how well-dressed Lucas was tonight as well, and I wondered if there was something more in her giggles than friendship. It was no secret that I didn't like her fiance and could only hope she'd break off their engagement for someone more like Lucas. Someone who made her laugh like he did.

But, as far as I knew, Kennedy was still all in on their upcoming wedding.

As everyone chatted and laughed, I noticed Dominick's mother had gravitated off to the side, seemingly out of place. Watching the door until it was time for all of us to be let in after Dominick and Blanche's private first look. It must be hard to watch how close her son and her mother had become. Maybe she wanted to be included in that feeling of closeness, too.

Part of me felt sorry for her, but another part wasn't. Especially after hearing Dominick's stories and seeing the tears he never cried in front of anyone. I couldn't imagine how bad addiction must be if it caused her to abuse the man that I was utterly and completely in love with when he was just a sweet little boy.

But if he was willing to move on and forge a better relationship with his mom, then I was going to support Ronnie, too. I believed in my bones that people could grow into better versions of themselves with enough support and love.

So, because she was important to Dominick, I dragged Maren and DeShauna over to where Ronnie stood and introduced my best friends. We made small talk for a few minutes before the front door was cracked open, and Sef waved the rest of us inside.

Dance For Me (Strip in the City, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now