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Monday morning, Marie and I were in my bedroom, to a corner where I made a little office. First, we couldn't stop giggling talking about my adventure in Paris with Sebastian. I could express myself fully to her. If I had to, I knew she would understand and wouldn't judge me.

But there were some details that I would rather keep a secret, especially those involving the bedroom and Sebastian's deep secrets.

Later, we ran through the marketing stuff for my new collaboration with an insurance company. I jumped when my phone beeped. My heart beat fast, anticipating a text message from Sebastian. But it was a notification that I had an email from my publisher.

My heart sank reading their message.

They reviewed my manuscript and found it well written and informative, but Sebastian's princess drama didn't impress them. The entire publishing team thought it was not as exciting as they thought it would be.

"What the heck! They wanted the princess drama, and you gave it to them." It annoyed Marie after we read the email.

"They want me to include more salacious details of Sebastian or a stronger secret that would captivate the readers. Or else they're not sure if they could move forward in publishing my manuscript."

"That's bullshit. I had bad feelings towards them."

"Me too," I pouted, "I feel like they're not after my story anymore, but of Sebastian's."

"Exactly, girl. They should have asked to write a memoir of Sebastian instead." She chuckled nastily. "So, what's your plan now?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

I couldn't help but think of Sebastian's kidnapping. What a horrible experience he had as a teenager, and losing his loyal bodyguard and dog. It would be a perfect scope to include in my book. It highlighted his trauma and fear. For sure, the Dreamers would be ecstatic.

But I would never betray Sebastian's trust in me, no matter how important my career is to me. I loved him, and I would never ruin him just to make a bestseller and get to the top.

"You are closer to Sebastian now. Maybe he can help you come up with something."

"Yeah, but not salacious details about him. He wouldn't like that, and neither would I."

"What if your publisher still insists? They've been doing that since they know you're dating Sebastian."

"If that's the case, maybe it's time to think again if it's really worth it having a book publish with the Dreamers." I said, twitching my nose.

"You have a point. Follow what you feel is right. Not all dreams come true. That's why they are called dreams. Maybe it just leads you to another dream."

"That's right. I don't want to expose Sebastian. I'm not repeating the same mistake of ruining his reputation. You know, I care about him."

"And you love him," Marie continued. Her eyes were teasing me.

There was no point of denying it anymore, I admitted with all my heart, "I do. After our Paris getaway, I'm more deeply into him."

"I just hope that he'd continue changing, girl, and ask you to become his girlfriend sooner, so you'll be official. I don't want you to end up crying. Because if he'll ever hurt you, I'm going to chop his dick into pieces." Her eyebrows rose, and we both laughed.

Our topic shifted to Jace.

"I read an article about Jace. He's making a tremendous success in his App developing company. He signed a partnership deal with Orange Company to develop their apps."

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