six, I guess

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It has been almost two weeks and Mia has been coming to work with Erwin every day. Mia has gotten used to the routine and has gotten to know the people at Erwin's work a bit better. The issue is: now Mia has to go to school. Erwin found a good school close to the base that Mia can attend. Now Mia is very upset about her change in routine. This Monday morning started out regular but when it came time for Mia to get dressed, Erwin pulled out a school uniform instead of her normal clothes and broke the news to her.

"You're starting school today, Mia" Erwin says with a smile, hoping she will be excited about school. Mia stares at him with a surprised and slightly scared face.


"Yes, school. Today will be your first day," Erwin can already tell Mia isn't going to be excited about this so he adds, "You must go. It's not a choice."

Mia just shakes her head no and crosses her arms. Erwin sighs quietly and steps closer to Mia to hand her the uniform so she can get dressed. Mia takes a step back and shakes her head again.

"Mia, it's a school day today. You don't have a choice." He says in a more firm tone, trying to convey to Mia it's mandatory to go to school.

"Now go on and get dressed in your uniform so you can get there on time."

"No, I don't want to go." Mia says, panic rising in her voice and in her expression.

Erwin takes another slow step forward as Mia continues backing away from him.

"Mia, please. I understand you don't want to go; you must understand you have to go. It's not a choice, you can't just decide you don't want to go and not go. School is important." He says, trying his best to remain patient.

With that, Mia begins to cry. Erwin sighs once again and walks over to Mia. He kneels down in front of her and cups her face in one of his hands.

"Mia, there is no need to cry. School is a good thing. I think you'll like it. School helps you learn and grow. You can make friends."

"I don't wanna go" Mia says through a sob. Erwin is beginning to feel frustrated; he doesn't know what to do with a crying child. Mia has never acted like this in front of him.

"Mia, you have to. You'll like it, I promise." Erwin says with a stern expression. Mia is inconsolable. She stands still with tears streaming down her cheeks, which along with the tip of her nose, have turned red.

"Alright. No sense in arguing any further. I'm sorry, but you have to go to school now. It's not up for debate. Do you want help getting dressed?" Erwin says, trying to move things along. Mia shakes her head no again. She doesn't want to get dressed. Getting dressed means going to school.

"If you don't want help getting dressed then you need to do it yourself. Go upstairs and get changed into your uniform." Mia shakes her head no again.

Erwin grabs the uniform and begins helping Mia to get dressed and fixes her hair while she sobs about going to school. He guides her towards the front door and helps her put her shoes on before leaving her there to go get himself ready. He comes back out in his uniform to find Mia sitting on the ground by the door, still crying.

"Are you ready to go now, Mia?" Erwin asks wearily. Mia just shakes her head no again and continues crying, more quietly now.

"Time to go." He says as he pulls on his boots.




"Mia, would you like to go to school, or would you like to be dragged to school?"

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