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The morning sun had already painted the sky when Taehyung arose, eagerly awaiting Jungkook's awakening. But Jungkook, the young prince who was used to his mother's gentle wake-up calls, remained lost in peaceful slumber. Taehyung's mother was not there to wake him up, and he had forgotten that this was a new beginning.

Taehyung, becoming increasingly impatient, made his way to the kitchen and asked the maid for Jungkook's whereabouts. The maid informed him that Jungkook had not yet left his room. Taehyung was puzzled by this, so he decided to check on him.

Upon reaching Jungkook's room, he knocked several times, but there was no response. To his surprise, the door was open, so he entered. The sight that greeted him was not what he had expected. The room was in chaos, with clothes and belongings scattered all over the floor. Jungkook lay in bed, sleeping soundly, oblivious to the world.

Frustration boiled inside Taehyung as he watched the young man sleep, seemingly forgetting about his school obligations. Taehyung couldn't contain his irritation.

Taehyung: "Jungkook, wake up!" He called several times, but Jungkook remained undisturbed.

Taehyung, now thoroughly annoyed, went to the side of the bed and firmly pulled the blanket away. That's when he was stunned by what he saw. Jungkook was wearing nothing but a long black tee-shirt, where his milky skin of his legs wsw exposed in front of Taehyung and Taehyung couldn't help but feel a strong reaction to the sight. However, he quickly averted his gaze and covered Jungkook back with the blanket.

Knowing that Jungkook was a heavy sleeper, Taehyung realized he had to resort to more extreme measures. He leaned down close to Jungkook's ear and shouted in his deepest voice.

Taehyung: "Jungkook, wake up now!"

Jungkook shivered at the sudden loudness and finally woke up, but he was disoriented and unaware of where he was. His first words were directed at his mother.

Jungkook: "Mom, please let me sleep a bit more."

Taehyung was at his wit's end, feeling the frustration building within him. He leaned in closer, his hands holding Jungkook's face firmly.

Taehyung: "I'm not your mother, KIM JUNGKOOK! . I'M YOUR FUCKKING HUSBAND. Please wake up now!"

This time, the intensity in Taehyung's voice shocked Jungkook, and he quickly sat up, realizing he was no longer in his own home. His eyes met Taehyung's, and the first thing he saw was the fierce anger in Taehyung's gaze.

Jungkook was taken aback, his heart pounding with fear, as he saw Taehyung in a way he had never seen before.

Jungkook, now fully awake and startled by Taehyung's intense gaze, couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and embarrassment. The realization had hit him that he was no longer in his familiar environment but in the grand mansion of his new husband, Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't hide his frustration, standing there with an air of authority, making it clear that Jungkook had better get his act together. For the first time in his life, Taehyung had said "please", but it was in the context of frustration and anger, making Jungkook feel scared.

Jungkook finally muttered, his voice trembling, "I'm sorry... I didn't realize it was already morning hyung."

Taehyung let out a deep sigh, his initial anger subsiding a bit. "Jungkook, you need to understand that here, you have responsibilities. I can't have you neglecting your studies like this. Get dressed and come down for breakfast. You'll need to catch up on your schoolwork."

Bounded by DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora