23: Spiraling Rumination

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It's been a few days since we were in the forest of Ukraine. I completely lost my ability to speak. I pulled away from the others and pulled closer to Charlie.

I won't lie, I hate not speaking— not when I need to. I don't mind being mute, hell having an excuse not to talk is something I always appreciate, but now it felt restless.

I felt weak.

A little useless.

And I think the two Kortac members can tell. I look over to Roach, who is also in the know I lost my voice. It was nice being able to "talk" to someone.

'Are you feeling better?' He asks with a gentle smile.

'No, I'm agitated,' I sign. I couldn't help but count how many steps I took, my mind racing. I groan and look down, the dirt really was getting to me, mud-coated my boots— it'll take forever for me to remove the dirt.

The dirt was getting to me. I wanted a shower— I wanted to remove the dirt, grit, and sweat off my skin. My hair was getting oily, and the sensation was killing me. I wanted to wash my face— do anything to feel CLEAN!

My mood kept spiraling down the longer I ruminated. Charlie nudged me, I looked up to see him looking down at me concerned. "Get out of your head," he leans in and whispers, "we know that will end with you having a breakdown." I nodded but my mind was all-consuming.

'Roach,' I sign trying to take my mind off my own pain. 'How did you meet Ghost?'

'We did a few missions together before joint 141.' I nod and look straight again only to see König looking back at us.

"You're oddly quiet." He states a hint of a smirk in his tone.

"This is her natural state— also she lost her voice."

"Of course she did," he sneers.

"It wasn't the scream; she has selected mutism and never outgrew it." Charlie sighs and looks at the tall man with slight annoyance.

I prefer König over Ghost at least his hostility is noticeable. I have to guess with Ghost. They are both the type to pounce on your weakness either a snide comment or outright mockery. I think I rather be mocked by König, at least I know where it's coming from.

His own insecurity.

From what I can tell of both men, they are both very... patriotic. Horangi has lots of doodles, on his uniform, it's cute really. I can tell he's proud to be Korean. He didn't talk as much— well he didn't talk much to us— 141.

I want to ask him about the doodle— I'll do that once I regain my voice. I want to know what some of the characters mean. Horangi... I think I mean Tiger. Horangi... it sounds cute.

We will be meeting up with the others to case the vast lands past Moscow. There are a few bases in Russia that are linked to the ultranationalist group. There were about five different locations.


"How have you guys been?" Soap asks.

"Gisele lost her voice."

"Again?" Gaz asks. I nod and look at him with an exhausted expression.

I hate having a sensitive nose. Why did I join the military? My nose was assaulted by B.O. I wanted a shower! I really wanted to go back to base! I sigh and look at him.

"She wants to go home." Charlie chuckles seeing the misery on my face. I flip him off.

"Not a field person?" Soap looks down with a smirk.

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