Chapter Twenty-one

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"Aaliayh, we have to go in." My mom says from beside me in our truck.

"Just one more minute, please," I say trying to look out for the familiar car. "He said he'd be here."

My mom sighs but nods her head. She turns the truck off and stares out the windshield. A minute passes, and there is still no sign of Tyson, and my heart sinks.

"We're going to lose our appointment if we don't go in." My mom says.

I nodded my head and unbuckled my seat belt. I get out of the truck with my mom and walk inside the office.

When we got in, a lady behind the desk smiles at me as I sign myself in. I take a seat in one of the chairs and choose one of the magazines on the table.

"Honey, I know that you wanted Tyson to come, but maybe it's for the best."

I ignore my mom as I continue flipping through the magazine.

"Aaliayh, come on sweetie, don't be like this. It's Tyson's loss."

"Then how is it for the best then mom?" I snap looking at her as she sighs and shrugs her shoulders.

"I didn't mean it as he shouldn't be in the babies life, just meant to for this appointment," she exclaims as she takes the magazine away from me and grabbing my hands.

"I know you wanted him here sweetie, but he needs time to process everything." My mom says rubbing her thumb along my knuckles.

"It's not every day a teenage boy gets told he's going to be a father."

I nod my head and pull my hands away. My mom frowns but doesn't say anything as we wait for one of the nurses to call me back.

"After this, I need to talk to you about something serious." My mom says as she places her phone on her lap.

I raise an eyebrow at her, but before I could ask what it was about, the nurse calls me to go back. My mom smiles as we both stand up and follow the nurse to the room.

"Dr. Holland said we're going to get the first glimpse of the baby today." The nurse says as she opens the door to my room.

I nod my head as I walk over to the bed and take a seat. The nurse begins to take my blood pressure and everything else placing it all down in my file before leaving.

"Have you had any cravings recently?" My mom asks as I nod my head.

"I crave a lot of chocolate and pizza."

My mom laughs. "You know the saying right? If you crave sweets, you are having a girl, but if you crave nothing but meat, it's a boy."

laugh and roll my eyes. "I crave both of those things mom. I don't think that's true."

My mom shrugs her shoulders as she sets her purse down on the floor beside her feet. "You may not believe now, but the more you get in your pregnancy you will."

"So does tnat mean you craved a lot of sweet
than with me?"

My mom smiles and nods her head. "Mostly chocolate covered strawberries anything else."

"What did you want to talk to me about? Back in the car?"

"Oh, it's about your grand-"

Just then a knock on the door cuts my mom off, and Dr. Holland walks in with her bright smile.

"Hello Aaliyah, how are you?"

"I'm okay. How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking." She replies with a smile. "Are you excited to see your baby for the first time?"

"More like nervous," I reply with an awkward smile. "This will make everything more real than it already is."

"Which is understandable." Dr. Holland laughs.

"Now are you ready to get a glimpse of the little baby?"
I nod my head with a smile. Dr. Holland tells me
to lift my shirt up as she applies the cold gel to my barely noticeable bump. I flinch at the coldness as I lay back with my arm under my head.

Watching as Dr. Holland turns on the sonogram machine, my mom's hands are placed in mine. I look over at her as she gives me a smile before looking back at Dr. Holland.

As she places the mouse on my stomach and moves it around, the faint sound of my baby's heartbeat echoes through the room.

"Okay, so the baby is going to be roughly around the size of a raspberry."

I nod my head as I stare at the little raspberry in my stomach, I could feel my eyes getting heavy as the tears start to well up in my eyes.

"You can't tell what the gender is yet, about twenty weeks you will." Dr. Holland exclaims as she points over at the screen. "You can see the head starting to form."

"Wow, this is all so real," I whisper as Dr. Holland laughs.

"Do you want a picture?"

I nod my head as she smiles and starts to move the mouse around one last time before lifting it off.
"I'll print two off for you, just in case it comes in handy," she says handing me a blue towel to wipe the gel off my stomach. "I'm also going to be scheduling you to come back in six weeks."

I nod my head and sit up while pulling my shirt
back down. After Dr. Holland leaves, I turn back to my mom who was wiping the tears off her face.

"So you want to talk to me about my grandparents?" I ask as my mom freezes.

My mom looks at me before sighing and nodding her head. "Yes, I've wanted to talk to you about this since last week, but I couldn't find the courage to."

"Okay? Did they die? I mean you haven't spoken to them since you were my age but that doesn't mean you shouldn't care ab-"

"No, they didn't die, but I have spoken to them. I have been for a while now."

"What?" I whisper as she closes her eyes and nods her head.

"Aaliayh, I lied to you. They've never stopped speaking to me because I was pregnant, I stopped speaking to them because they wanted me to give you up for adoption."

lopen my mouth to speak, but my mom holds her hand up stopping me from doing so. "I did it because I thought they wouldn't accept you, but they do Aaliyah."

"How long?"


"How long have you been talking to them?" I ask as she bites her lip and averts her eyes away from me and towards the ground.

"Since you were born."

"So you're telling me, that you've been talking to your parents since I was born, that they accepted me, but you've been telling me that they didn't accept me and never will," I say, the tears finally falling down my face as I stare at my mom.

"I know it was wrong of me, believe me, but I know now, and I'm apologizing for it now."

I shake my head as I cover my face with my hands. "All my life you made me feel like my family didn't accept me. Are you lying about my dad too?"

My mom doesn't say anything as I take my hands away from my face and stare at my mom.

"Is that all you have to tell me? That you lied to me practically all my life?"

"No, " she says. "That wasn't it."

"Then what. What is more worst than finding out my mom has lied to me my whole life?"

"Your grandparents think it's best for you to live with them," she says straightening up.

"Do they know I'm pregnant?" I snap as she nods her head.

"They want you and the baby to live with them and they think it will do you some good." She says clearing her throat. "And I agree with them."

"What are you trying to say?" I ask.

"You're going to go live with your grandparents Aaliyah."

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