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Chapter 1

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I've had the world's longest, most miserable fucking day there ever could be. First, I had to say goodbye to the two girls who mean the entire world to me, and then when I landed in LA, I had to go straight to practice, and the first warm-up for the season was utter hell. Coach could tell that I hadn't been working out like I should have.

I'm groaning in agony as I ride the elevator up to my penthouse, my muscles aching from head to toe as I rest the back of my head against the wall.

It's only been six hours, and I already feel like a piece of my soul is missing. I kept it together for her, but deep down, I wanted to break down and lose it, too. Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

But this will be good for her, and I told myself I wouldn't hold her back. She needs this; if I begged her to stay, she might hold it against me later in life. This will all be worth it in the long run.

I just have to keep telling myself that until I actually believe it.

The doors to the elevator finally open, and I wander into the kitchen to set my duffel bag down on the counter. It's not until I catch a faint whiff of tomato sauce that I see a lasagna freshly made sitting on top of the oven.

What the hell?

I set my keys down, cautiously looking over my shoulder to see if there's some surprisingly nice intruder that wanted to cook me a meal, but it's just me alone in the kitchen, not a single sound to be heard.

Is it a crazed fan hiding somewhere? I know I shouldn't be thinking that, but I glance down at myself and see I'm just wearing a pair of workout shorts, cleats, and no shirt. I should have showered right after practice. I should have put more clothes on.

I start my search for a crazy woman, looking behind the couches and chairs in the living room before I head down the hallway. I open up the utility closet, then I check behind the shower curtain in the bathroom; both come up empty.

I didn't make a lasagna, did I?

I'm beginning to question everything I've ever known until I see a light on in my bedroom. I don't have anything to protect myself, but if it truly is some crazed fan, I'm confident I'll be able to handle myself.

Letting out a deep breath, I open the door, freezing dead in my tracks when I see the sight before me.

Maddie is sprawled out on my bed in nothing but my high school jersey, erupting into a fit of giggles when she sees the immediate grin plastered onto my face.

"Wait," she pleads as I inch closer. "Let me explain, okay?"

She better talk fast because I'm two seconds away from tackling her onto this bed. I don't think I've ever been so relieved or happy. Did her flight get canceled?

"You deserve a wife that treats you with the same respect you show me as a husband," she starts, twirling her fingers around her lap from being so nervous. "I used to think it would make me less of a woman to pick a man over my career, but when you left today, and I saw that photo album you put together, I just..." She sighs and wipes away a tear, her bottom lip trembling. "You are a dream of mine too, Cameron, and we just got married. I have my entire life to go on a study abroad program, but I don't have that kind of time to build this foundation correctly for us. As much as I want the experience, I want you more, and the truth is that my home is wherever you and Izzy are. You were talking about there never being perfect timing for us, Cam, but this is it. This is our perfect timing, and I won't fuck it up. Not this time."

I take another step closer, but she holds a finger up to stop me. Out of all the ways I thought this conversation would go, this isn't it. Maddie deserves to have everything she's ever wanted. She's worked so hard to get here. She can't throw away her dream of the study abroad program. Not for me.

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