Chapter 6: A New Friend

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"The new Model 0 Robotic Generative Android from Funki is a fully autonomous human being with features never before seen in the consumer market."

When they got home, Cady excitedly opened the front door, and skipped in with M0RGAN walking behind her. He stood in the house in a dark over coat and sunglasses. He removed the glasses and immediately started scanning everything in the house.

Cady ran over to the shelves and pointed at tue toys. "Here are all of Aunt Gemma's collectibles, and this one is my favorite. Oh! I have more awesome toys in my room. Come on. Come on."

"Sculpted from a titanium core, M0RGAN's designed to withstand whatever life can throw at him. He comes equipped with an A17 bionic fusion chip and can be fully customized through six different silicone skin pigmentations."

"But the most exciting thing about M0RGAN are the features still to come. Through our own unique approach to probabilistic inference, M0RGAN is on a constant quest for self-improvement."


"Whether it's diagnosing children with specific learning differences or merely reminding them of the way science is all around us."

Cady, Gemma, (Y/n) and M0RGAN sat at the table for breakfast and Cady set down her glass of water in the table without a coaster.

"Cady, you should use a coaster." M0RGAN suggested.

"Why do I have to use a coaster?" Cady asked.

"Coasters help to avoid water marks, especially on wooden surfaces."

Cady placed her glass in the coaster. "But how does the water get outside the glass?"

"That's a great question, Cady. It's actually caused by the difference in temperature outside the glass, which pulls moisture from the air."

"Crazy." Cady exclaimed.

"It's insane, right?" M0RGAN agreed.


"Studies indicate that a staggering 78% of a parent's time is spent dishing out the same basic instructions."

Gemma had just woken up and exited her room to use the bathroom.

"Oh my god. Cady, you have to flush the toilet. It is not that hard."


"So we found someone else to pick up the slack."

Cady exited the bathroom, and M0RGAN was standing just outside the door.

"Cady, flush the toilet." M0RGAN reminded her.

Cady went back in and flushed.

"Wash your hands."

She went back to do that too.

"Roll up your sleeves."

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