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【21】Feel the Same

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Somehow, this still didn't feel real. Even as I held Mila in my arms, her slender legs wrapped around my hips as I carried her to my bedroom, I questioned reality.

The fact that I hadn't ruined everything back in Oslo was a true blessing. Taking her to the Bifröst had been a mistake. Of course, she'd had questions. This woman was too curious for her own good. And the fact that Fyr had held me for longer than I intended didn't help.

But there she was, the beautiful Miss Connelly, plastered against me and ravishing me with eager kisses. And I almost ruined it a shit load of times, didn't I?

"Is it normal that I want you so much all the time?" she moans in our kiss.

Seeing this as a perfect opportunity for a break, I plastered her against the wall of the hallway and pressed my hips into her crotch. "I don't know. I can't remember being this obsessed with anyone before."

She let out a soft cry when I thrust into her, and just like that, I knew I'd find her drenched once I would remove her clothes. Maybe it was insane that we desired each other this much. It might not be normal, but it felt so fucking right. With time, we would get accustomed to one another and not as prone to consummate all this lust. But today wasn't that day, and something told me it would take a few months for us to reach satiation.

Too busy devouring her, I barely noticed that she was writhing against me, grinding her aching count onto my erection. Fuck, no, this wasn't normal. This went beyond anything I knew.

Mila was uncharted waters, a new experience. And it was the most thrilling thing I'd encountered in a while.

Because we had to get on with the fucking, I pulled her away from the wall and continued our journey to my room. She was clinging to me with such fervor that when I lowered to settle her on the massive bed, she stayed right against me, ready to be sandwiched between me and the mattress.

Clothes were peeled from one another, eager hands pushing and tugging until there was nothing left but expanses of skin. I caressed her shapes, worshipping every curve and dip, my senses feasting on all of her. Her smoothness, her taste, her scent, her moans...

"I want you inside me," she whimpered, arching under me to slide her wet cunt against my aching cock.

"Always so greedy..."

"You're one to talk."

When I lowered to kiss the delicate slope of her neck, she tightened the circle of her legs around my waist. "No, I want you now. I'm wet enough."

"I can feel that. Let me just make sure..."

Just because teasing her was my favorite pastime, I slowly lowered my hand between us, observing how the tautness of her stomach shivered under the delicate grazes of my fingertips. Her responsiveness would forever drive me crazy. The curls of her mound tickled my fingers and palm as I inspected her wet folds. She was soaked, beyond ready for me.

Her back arched when I circled her swollen clit, and when I dipped two fingers inside her, she moaned my name. "Please... I need you."

I would never get tired of this woman begging.

"And I need you."

Fighting against the urge to go fast, I pulled out of her warmth and brought my fingers to my lips, sampling her with our eyes locked. Then, I reached for a condom in the nightstand. Her trembling hands wame to assist me once it was ripped open, and I gritted my teeth as she hurriedly slid it down my hardened girth. How did she feel so damn good?

Using her hold on me, she aligned us together, and I didn't wait before slowly pushing inside her tight slit.

"Ah, fuck," she moaned halfway in.

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