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Beep Beep

Quiet again

Beep Beep

I opened my eyes, my mind overwhelmed from the singular sound. I went to get up wanting to silence it but stopped half way as you noticed the IV connected to my arm and... is that? Blood? A blood transfusion?

I looked at the needle marks that decorated my skin in multitude of patterns. I trembled as the memories of everything that happend in the recent days came back.

The thoughts swarming my mind like bees around their queen. Hands moved to my head, gripping my hair, trying to cover my ears.

Eyes darting around the room only to fall shut as I brought my knees to my chest. The beeping got louder and louder until I couldn't take it anymore. I ripped the tubes connected to my hands and got off the bed. The beeping of my heart turning into one continuous ring.

Running out of the room I saw someone coming towards my direction, I didn't know where I was or who they were so I ran. I could hear laughing, it got louder and louder, I felt my whole body ache, it didn't stop me, I needed to move. Get away. Run. Find safety.

The files, I was getting the files. I need to get them back. I need to come back. I need to follow orders. Keep going. Don't stop. Not until they tell me. I am just waiting for the next order. Like a dog. Was I their dog?

I opened the exit door only to bump into someone. I fell to the ground with a whine as pain shoot through my whole body. I looked up and noticed a group of people looking down at me, their laughs filled my ears, my body shaking.

I couldn't get caught like that.

No. No no no NO!

I wouldn't let them torture me again, I wouldn't let them touch me again. Not again!

"Please... not again..."

My voice came out weak and vulnerable, it was rough after not speaking for so long. One of the figures knelt down as I tried to move away, their arms wrapped around me and I began screaming, trying to get out.

"Mause! Stop it's okay! Ah, Scheisse!"

Another set of hands held me down to the ground as I was trashing around. My heart beat so fast I could feel it ripping out of my chest.

"Y/N! You are opening your stitches!"

"Let me go!"

I spoke, but didn't continue as the words had hit my head. Y/N? Not Shade? Nor Gloom? No, they said Y/N.

I finally looked around, first meeting eyes with Soap and then König as they both tried to hold me down. I looked at my clothes, a hospital gown adored my small frame, I stopped breathing for a moment, only exhale shakily.

"I-" My words got stuck in my throat as I saw Gaz looking at me with a worried and what seemed, a horrified expression.

"You are okay, Shätz."

Königs voice was calming, but I could distinct the worry that laced it's edges. They both slowly let go of me, unsure of what could happen next.

"My... My orders. The mission-! I need to-!"

My shaky voice was stopped by Soaps shushing.

"Your mission is over Y/N. We are back at base. You hear me? You are safe. Safe with us."

The information reached my brain, but my body didn't relax, as if it was going on muscle memory alone. I sat up slowly now noticing the scratches on Königs arms, I reached out my own hands to check what has happened. That's when I saw my bloodied nails, I moved my hands closer to my face, it hit me. That the wounds were indeed made by me.

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