Chapter 7-Leave me alone

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Aria Matthews:

I instantly knew who that was...

"What do you want Ryan?" I asked very coldly despite how my heart was flipping for him

"Hey since when did you wear a bikini...and since when was your body banging?" he said.

I just rolled my eyes, he is such a pig. He cheated on me with the one person I hate the most,  started to date her, then have the nerve to complement me on my body. He is one sick person.

"Maybe if you didn't cheat on me you would've saw a little more and maybe did a little more, but you want Justice so your loss."

With that I walked away from where he was at looking dumbfounded making sure my hips swayed the way it did when I didn't have baggy clothes on.

I then walked over to where Aaron, Thomas, and Cameron was at.

"Hey boys" I said snatching Aaron's drink from his hand

I am not one to drink but after talking with Ryan it made me want to. I gulped the whole of what was left in under 20 seconds tilting my head back to help me drink it faster. When I tilted my head up to see the boys they all looked at me with surprised faces glued to them.

"What" I asked with a hint of attitude

"Since when do you drink Aria?" said Thomas

"Since the time Leah bit your balls off" I said referencing to his ex-girlfriend 

"Umm Jeez" said Thomas "Why are you wearing that?" said Cam

"Oh shut up. You came here to look at girls who are wearing something more revealing than me, but when I do it, it is an absolute tragedy. You are so Annoying, you are only older than 1 minute that doesn't really matter but you act like you're my father even though your not, like can you just let me have peace for 1 second" 

"I had to become the father because our dad left because of you"

I gasped and with that I threw the tequila can on the floor and started to walk back to the pool where Emily and Katie was.

"Girl what's wrong....what did Aaron do?" said Katie, concerned 

"Aaron didn't do was Cameron this time" 

"Oh sweetie, he was being a jerk about.... let me guess your outfit?" said Emily

I slowly nodded my head while keeping it down

"He is such a hypocrite" mumbled Katie while she and Emily were pulling me in for a hug

"But it wasn't just that...he said that my father left because of me so he had to become one."

Emily and Katie just stared the 'Your joking...right?' stare. But I just nodded my head in confirmation that he actually said that.

"I might just kill him" said Katie.

Katie could fight...and really well. She beat up one of the strongest kids on the wrestling team was scary. The kid left with a black nose and a broken yeah you know how Katie could get if you mess with her or her friends

"Don't...he's right"

"No he is not" said Emily rubbing my back

"Guys it's time I told you"

"Ok we are here for you"

"A little after we were born my father stopped taking care of me completely because I was 'Ruining' Cameron. So I never really hung out or talked to my dad like normal kids should. One year I caught him smoking....which my mom hates with a passion, so I told her and they got into this heated argument. After he was done arguing with my mom he charged into my room and started to choke me. But my mother came in to stop him sacrificing herself getting hit by that man. Fast forward a month later... I caught my dad cheating on my mom while we were all in the next room. When I scanned the room and registered what was happening I screamed my mother's name. At which he pulled me into his room and locked the door." I said while a tear slid down my face

"He then proceeded having sex in front of me and then once the girl he was with finished he did me next...he raped me and might I add the girl he just finished with was watching all this, saying no word. All while my mom was pounding on the door to get in and save me. And where was Cameron in all the basement with no clue what was going on. I only ever told my mom what was going on behind those close doors. He left before we even got the chance to talk to the police" I said now multiply tears sliding from my eyes

"It is a day that I chose to forget and never re-live"

"Yeah I gotcha" said Katie 

After I wiped all my tears away and fixed my makeup Aaron came into the water after me

"I would have came sooner but I seen you were having a moment and I didn't want to disrespect that" said Aaron while he pulled the strands of my hair back

"Oh yeah sorry..." I said very softly...maybe too soft

"might I ask why were you crying, I know some of it had to do with your jerk of a brother"

"Yeah and that jerk is your best friend" I said while chuckling 

He looked at me with the 'I am not joking...I really want to know'

"I prefer not to say...especially since it is so personal to me...maybe one day" 

"Just so you know Aria, if you need to open any time I am always here, even if we like each other or not...ok?" Aaron said

I sighed and said "Ok i'll tell you"

"Ok whenever your ready" he said while grabbing my hand and rubbing soft circles on the back 

I explained to him the whole story trying not to scarf up tears again because I couldn't show Aaron that I was vulnerable, not at this time

Throughout me explaining the story I could feel him tense up beside me with each story. I actually told Aaron more than I told Katie and Emily, but it was so easy to talk to him


Hey guys!

I hope you liked this chapter. Here is more information about Aria when she was younger so you can know why she was so scared. Hopefully Aaron will open up to her

Love you<3

Words: 1041

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