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Weeks had passed since my parent's divorce

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Weeks had passed since my parent's divorce. Everything was back to normal, The echoes of muffled cries had faded, at least from my corner of the room. I was back to my normal self but things were still hard for my mom.

Of course, how could things be easy when your spouse seeks a divorce after betraying your trust?

I lay in bed, lost in a sea of thoughts, cocooned by the warmth of the blankets. The tranquility was disrupted by the abrupt screeching of my phone, blaring the 'baby shark' ringtone. A smile danced on my lips when Jane's name lit up the screen. I accepted the call, bringing the phone to my ear.

"You never call without a reason. So what's up now?" I asked.

"Hey," Jane's voice carried a subtle weariness. "I need your help; I still haven't tackled the assignments assigned to us weeks ago."

"And?" I responded, reaching for an apple on the desk beside my bed - a habit my mom had adopted in her concern about my diminishing strength.

"I want you to help me."

"Ain't no way, you want me to come to your place to help you," I remarked, taking a bite of the apple.

"I don't have any other choice then," Jane mumbled, probably to herself. A sigh accompanied her words on the other side of the phone. "Don't you copy my notes?"

"Hey, it doesn't count cause it's not like you write them yourself. You copy those notes from Jungkook." I said trying to justify myself.

"Either way, I always let you copy. Don't I? Cause I don't want my bestie to call me privileged for being Jungkook's sister." I could picture Jane fake crying on the other side of the call.

"Fine, I'm coming," I said, hanging up the phone afterward.

She always does that.

Grabbing my jacket, to deal with the cold outside, I made my way to her house. With my mom out at the market, I didn't have to inform her about going out. It's not that my mother treats me like a fourteen-year-old teenager, or that I need her permission, but I care for her, and her opinion matters to me. Asking her before going outside just feels right.

Stepping outside my house exposed me to the real bite of the freezing wind. Glancing at the corner of the street, the trees lining up, the once evergreen ones were shedding their leaves, now turned brown. Despite disliking the onset of cold in October, the autumn season always resonated with me.

Thankfully, Jane's house wasn't far from mine. Jane had always dreamt of renting an apartment and living alone peacefully, and she pursued that dream. At some point in life, I too contemplated moving out, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I can't leave my mama alone.

I pressed the doorbell, and in an instant, Jane appeared, her eyes surrounded by bags, and her hair in need of a brush. Without exchanging greetings, she pulled me inside her home. Books were scattered all over the couch, and unwashed dishes on the table were placed messily.

Ignoring the mess, I attempted to sit on the couch, shifting the books aside. "Damn, you really needed my help," I said, trying to lighten her mood.

"Of course, I needed it," she mumbled focusing on the notebook, writing her assignment at a speed that could rival the Flash.

"What am I supposed to do now?"

She threw some blank sheets, a pen, and a set of other neatly done assignments to me, which I copied to the blank one. It didn't even took me a second to recognize the writing of assignments from which I was copying and pasting, well, can't really call it pasting.

It was of Jungkook.

Jeon freaking Jungkook.

I shrugged off the thought of him and started focusing on the work again. "You still get those dreams?" Jane asked not lifting her gaze.

"Every single night."

"It must be boring, Right? Getting the same dream every night."

I hummed in agreement. The dream felt like a missing piece of myself, a puzzle fragment lost in the depths of my subconscious. Night after night, I faltered on the edge of tears as I reached out to the couple, only to watch them dissolve into the shadows, leaving me stranded and frightened in the darkness.

Each new day carried a glimmer of hope, a fresh opportunity to reunite with them, or more accurately, with him. In the dream, the girl was me, dancing with this mysterious figure. The most perplexing part was that I did not know of him, no connection in the waking world.

If I were to tell Jane about my yearning to meet this enigmatic guy in reality, she might think I'm in desperate need of therapy.

So I just simply agreed that I found my dream boring when it was the complete opposite.

To be continued


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