9. Baby Steps

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Final were coming up and Sera has posted two times already this week with the supervision of Rowan and Jamie. She was getting used to it little by little and she was proud of herself for it.

Between the pressure of trying to find new post ideas and studying, she has not been focusing on getting closer to Rowan that much. She tries to open conversation here and there, but most times they've both been too busy to actually indulge.

"Fine, I'll work on it right now." Sera tries to reassure Allison but her words were going on deaf ears as Ally kept talking, telling her what needed to be fixed in her part of the presentation.

"Ally, don't worry, please. I'm on my way to Stay Driven's office, I have my laptop, I'll start when I get there." Sera tries again.

"Okay, okay." Ally sighs, her voice seemed a bit away through the speaker of Sera's phone.

Sera was holding a million things in her hands while still managing to keep the phone to her ear. She had no idea how she's going to get to the office like this.

"We're gonna do great, it'll be fine, I promise."

"Of course, sorry I'm stressing you with me." Ally said.

"Shut up, I'll send you the newest version as soon as I'm done. I love you." Sera replied.

"Thank you. I love you, too."

The line went dead but Sera kept the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she tried to shove her books in her big bag, walking through campus.

She felt her phone vibrate, tickling her slightly. Once her books were finally in her bag and she checked who it was, her heart almost did a cart wheel.

Forest man: Pick you up?


How did this man come to her rescue each time she felt like she needed help these past two weeks was beyond her. She tried to hold back a smile but failed miserably.

Me: Only if you're near.

The reply came before Sera even had the chance to leave the app.

Forest Man: On my way.

Sera wanted to scream and jump and do all kinds of horrendous things in public just so she could let out the burst of energy that suddenly ignited in her.

He's so cute.

He's so freaking cute, what do I do?

She tried calming herself down and just wait for him casually but she physically couldn't. He did one simple act, one simple text and she was absolutely losing her mind over it. He was so distant all the time, so passive that him showing the slightest bit of emotion was a great deal in Sera's eyes.

He thought of her. He was near her campus, thought of her, and was nice enough to pick her up. Sera giggled and hid her face in her hands yet again.

Wait, what if she was overthinking this?

He's her supervisor, and he's just being nice. What if he didn't think of her that way?

No need to make it a big deal, it's okay. He's just being nice.

Either way, he wanted to pick her up and that shows progress. Sera knew by now that if Rowan didn't want to do something, he simply wouldn't.

No one would be able to convince him otherwise.

She was observing him too closely at work and she really hoped he didn't notice.

His car comes into view just as he texts her that he's here, she had to stop herself for squealing.

Stop being a baby.

When he notices the stuff in her hands, Rowan quickly gets out of the car to help her.

"Hi." She giggles.



"Hi, Sera." He greets as he takes her laptop bag and regular bag from her and puts them in the back.

Rowan turns around to find Sera directly in front of him and she stumbles back in surprise at their proximity. His hands automatically and unconsciously go to her waist to steady her just as a whiff of his cologne hits her nose.

"Uh, sorry." She couldn't bring herself to look up at him. Too close.

"I know I keep tripping and losing my balance, I'm really sorry, but to be honest, it only happens when I'm with you, I don't know why..." She rambles, "I'm not that clumsy usually."

His cologne was clouding her senses, it was everywhere. He was all around her, too close that she couldn't think.

She suddenly looked up at him, too curious to see his face, what is he thinking.

A tiny smile adorned his lips, his eyes amused as they looked down at her intensely. Sera only came up to his chest, so she had to lean her neck back to look up at him.

"It's okay." Rowan said as he put his hand on top of her head, slightly messing up her hair. He immediately retreated after that and opened the passenger door for her.

Did he just...

Did he just pat my head?

Sera's cheeks were red throughout the ride and she hid behind a curtain of her messy hair to hide it from him. Rowan could tell that she was embarrassed, trying hard not to smile at her.

"H-How was your day's rating?" She asked after a while.

Rowan thought it over in his head, the short silence before answering familiar to her by now.

"Seven, you?"

"Mmm," She hummed, thinking. "Six."

Eight now that I'm with you.

Rowan turned his gaze to her briefly, "Why?"

"It was kind of stressful, finals are coming up and I have this presentation that I'm working on." She trailed off, not knowing if he's interested enough to listen about her studies.

"What's it about?" He asked.

She looked at him in surprise before answering, explaining the idea behind her group's presentation quickly.

"Mhm, want some help?"

"Wait, really?" Her curls bounced around her as she moved excitedly in her seat.

Rowan swore in his head.

"Yeah." He nodded, they passed by a drive-through and he had the sudden urge to ask.

"Did you eat?" Sera looked as if she was about to thank him for offering his help but she bit her lip at his question.


Without another word, Rowan took the next U turn and drove back to the drive-through restaurant they just passed.

I don't like this chapter.

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