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The journey was quite long to the Jain-Mang mountain, where the ancestors of the eight powerful families were buried including- Han's, Li's, Liang's at the top of them.

The temple of Butaong Taoist descendants had been the place for the nobles to meet on important occasions when problems such as enmity arose between the nobles.

In such animosity situations, the nobles are advised by the head of the Tao family to keep to their traditional culture and protect their lineage, in case they get harmed and the cause happens to be just ill-feelings.

No matter how much power they hold, the nobles always take heed to the advice given by the head Tao in a form of respect since ages.

This place isn't really open for any outsiders or commoners as it's only made into a decision hall for the eight families for a really long time because they didn't want any bloodshed ruining the noble bloodline.


Fei was not tired even after hours as she kept looking outside the window in awe.

Despite her husband telling her to take a short nap, she was unwilling to let this opportunity to see the world outside go.

She watched everything - market, roads, buildings - all of the places bustling with people.

Yang had enough and he scolded her,"You'll get tired before we reach there."

"I won't get tired, husband. I've a lot of energy in me," She responded, not looking away from the widow.

Yang was pissed that her attention was away from him all this while and he bowed his head to whisper vulgarities to her,"Energy? Once we come back home, I'll fuck you and see that for myself."

Fei wasn't too innocent to know that he'd said something dirty and ignored him with a blushing face.

All he thinks about is doing it. Hump!


They had arrived at the destination and several young monks were standing together to welcome the current patriarchy of the Liang Family.

"We're glad to receive you, young master." An old man, ranked below the Tao head came, greeting him with a peaceful smile.

"How are you, priest Zhang?" Yang respectfully greeted him. He was the same priest who had blessed their marriage on the day of their wedding.

"I'm good after hearing that you've brought your wife along with you."

The men shared a laugh and nodded. Yang knew that the priest was happy to know that he'd acknowledged his wife, though he was late and had a deep regret because of it.

"She has a pure soul, our temple is honored to receive such a presence," The priest couldn't stop smiling ear to ear. "By the way, where is she?" The old man ran his eyes behind Yang, looking for the bride.

"She's inside," Yang pointed his head toward the car.

"Must be tired," The priest glanced toward the car and nodded in understanding, feeling pity for the kind soul.

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