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Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to ask Theo what he meant by 'simply stepped in to replace him.' When I was about to clarify this, we had already arrived at the hospital. Without wasting any time, he stepped out of his car and carried me to the emergency room.

It was quite busy in the St. Katherine's Hospital emergency room, but we were immediately taken care of and ushered into what appeared to be a private room. They were so prepared as if they were expecting us. This made me think that Theo probably called in advance for this.

I didn't want to be treated like a VIP, I only sprained my ankle--Theo was just over reacting. There were people with much more serious injuries who needed priority. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for the care and attention I was receiving, but I couldn't help but feel guilty for taking time away from more serious cases.

I guess this was one of the perks of being an influential individual--a mafia boss. But not just that, I believe this has something to do with the Don's partnership with St. Katherine's Hospital director. After all, this was the same hospital that needed the Salvatores' help.

A nurse came in shortly. She was holding a bracelet with my name on it. After introducing herself, she explained that she would ask questions to verify what was written on the wrist band before putting it on me. She cited that I needed it for my tests, especially x-ray, as part of the patient's identification and safety.

I nodded in understanding and complied.

She first asked for my name and I immediately answered, "Amelia Salvatore." Followed by my birthday and if I have any allergies. Surprisingly, Theo reacted when I said no to allergies.

"Blueberries make her lips itchy." He told the nurse in a matter of fact manner.

I stared at him like he had grown a second head. How did he know that? I didn't expect him to be aware of that small detail. From what I remember, I only told our previous chef that when I noticed my lips felt itchy every time I ate blueberries. After that, I didn't see that fruit in the villa again.

Maybe he told Theo about it?

"Itchiness can be a sign of sensitivity and intolerance to certain foods. In your case, blueberries. I need to update your record and put this as your allergy, okay? You're lucky your husband pays attention to your health." The nurse smiled at me and nodded at Theo.

"Thank you," Theo said. Funny with just two words, Theo can make someone's composure melt.

I was well aware of Theo's effect on women, and obviously the nurse was not immune to it. I saw a tinge of pink on the her face as she tried to suppress her giggle. It was clear that she was totally dazzled by his charisma. Who wouldn't, right? If I didn't know Theo or just saw him somewhere passing by, he would have caught my eyes and just as taken by him. He had an incredible presence that no one could ignore.

Well, that's something I can only do now anyway. I can only look at him, share the same bed, eat together from time to time, and be called his wife. Nothing more than that, he wasn't even affectionate towards me.

The other night's, whatever you call it, was probably the most intimate I had with Theo. And it didn't even last long! Why did I suddenly think about intimacy at times like this?

I decided to shake it off and refocused my attention back to the nurse. I might have been spacing out too much that I didn't even realize that the bracelet was on my wrist already and she was ready to leave.

Shortly after, the doctor came in and assessed my situation. It had no downtime, it was precise. I didn't even have alone time with Theo even for a brief moment to ask about the bomb he had dropped on my lap awhile ago.

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