Location of Lost Island

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"Wow! What a huge picture!" Luffy said in a sing-song voice. They were all staring at the roundabout mural on the ceiling with awe. The mural wasn't completely intact some of it was missing no doubt it had worn down and crumbled over time, just like the rest of the buildings on the island.

"What's it of?" Luffy wondered.

"It looks like some kind of ancient map..." Nami stated staring at it intently, trying to work out what it was about even though it was badly damaged.

"It's too worn out to make any sense of." Sanji said. "But what is this place, anyways?!"

"I think it reveals the location of the Dragon's Nest." Yukiko said. "But it's not this place."

"This has to be the dragons nest!" Apis said desperately.

"Sorry Apis, but seeing that crumbling town only made me even more sure that this place isn't the dragons nest." Tsuna told her sadly. "This island is too small to be the home of both humans and dragons. Not to mention dragons are wild animals, even if they were Dragon Pokemon, there's no way they would nest so close to humans."

"But! But!" Apis trailed off, she couldn't think of anything to counter the trainer's logic. Even Grandpa Ryu said himself that this might not be Lost Island.

"Hey! Look at this!" Luffy exclaimed from where he was stood.

"The ceiling pictures fallen down!" Luffy said.

"-Yikes!" Usopp squeaked.

"-It's huge!" Apis exclaimed.

The slab of rock depicted a large green dragon it was at least three foot wide and about the same height as Luffy.

"Whoa, talk about dangerous!" Usopp spluttered running over with Apis to get a closer look.

"This whole building's ready to fall apart!" Sanji said worriedly looking around at all the holes in the ceiling and the walls. How had it not caved in when they came crashing down he didn't know.

Yukiko had turned her eyes back to the mural on the ceiling, still not putting the pieces together. "What's the matter Nami?" She asked when she heard the orange haired girl gasp. Tsuna followed her line of sight and froze as well. "No way!" Yukiko exclamation caught the attention of the bickering Usopp and Apis and the others.

"What is it?" Sanji asked.

"Yukiko was right all along!" Nami said her voice even. "This probably isn't Lost Island..."

"Huh?!" Apis mumbled.

"See!" Usopp gloated.

'💢' Apis turned around and she hissed at Usopp, her eyes white in anger. "You! Don't even know the reason why! Quit making stuff up!" She kicked him in the shin.

"How do you know that, Nami?" Luffy asked.

"Look up." She told him.

"Up? At the ceiling picture?"

"If you look closely. It's a map that marks the location of lost island." Nami pointed out.

"That island with a dome-shaped building on it..." She paused. "Is the island that we're on now. That dome is this building."

"It does look just like it..." Sanji agreed.

"And the people around the island are the people who once lived here." Nami continued.

"They may have been Apis's ancestors." Yukiko said.

"Our ancestors?" Apis mumbled.

"Say, do you remember what old man Bokuden told us?" Nami asked.

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