2023 Pride Month special

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2023 Pride month special
Special sexual explicit scene of chapter 4.3 (2/3)

Only those that have read up to chapter 4.3 (2/3) can read this.

Unknown pov

I still feel overwhelmed by Nathan's offer.

I never thought all of this would come true. I thought it was officially over and that I would never see him again but here he is making all my dreams, and my hopes come true.

It saddens me that all those years he wasn't by my side but right now I'm just glad I even have him now. I'm actually glad I went to that bar that night.

It's crazy that everything is coming true and fast too. It's far from being the ideal situation but it's better than nothing.

I just can't believe Nathan and I finally have a relationship, something I always wished we had, that he's finally there, a father to Moonlight and he'll be the father of my second child.

Ever since I met him, I had hated him a lot, he made me go through so much heartache and he pisses me off a lot. As bad as he was and he's still not an example, I still rather be with the one I always loved, my enemy Nathan Hames.

"Are you crying again? Theo, why are you crying while kissing me?" Nathan asks confused.

"Oh...don't mind me crying. I'm just overwhelmed and emotional."

"Hmm...I'll make that change quickly." He says smirking.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, your overwhelming thoughts will fly out the window and instead you'll be screaming my name." I blush at that while he smirks

"Are you forgetting there's a child in the house?"

"Oh, yeah...In that case, we'll keep quiet."


Nathan leans into me and kisses me again, this time with a burning hunger. That makes me quite aroused already.


"Shh, can't wake up Moonlight."


He continues to add pressure into the kiss, he put one hand around my waist, while I put my hands into his neck and then soon, we plop into the bed. He's on top of me and I'm below him. He continues to kiss me like a hungry beast.

I moan into it making sure it's not too loud. Moonlight can't hear us.

Eventually, he starts kissing, licking and sucking my neck. I moan quietly at the pleasure.

Then, he chooses to get rid of my shirt and I help him. It doesn't take long before my torso is bare and Nathan stares at me like I'm his prey or something. He continues his thing, through goes lower, down till his lips are mere centimetres from my bully.

"Hm...it's not noticeable yet." His breath gets into my belly and I shiver.

"Nathan, I'm just 4 weeks along."

"Oh...yeah...I forgot. Do you imagine what it'll
look like when you start showing?"

"Well...sometimes yeah."

"Cause I do too."

"Really? You're not bothered by the thought of that?"

"No, frantically, I'm excited to see your little bump." He says smiling. His breath hits my belly and I shiver.

"You're excited to see such a thing? On a guy too?"

"Yes...now stop this serious talk."

"You started it."

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