Repeated behavior?

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(Hey guys! Thank you very much for taking this story into consideration, it means a lot that people are enjoying the story so far, so here is the second chapter! Again, there are going to be sensitive topics in this story so if you arent able to handle those topics please do not read, if your good then enjoy the story!

Side note: a lot of this has nothing to do with the original campaign of modern warfare, this is just writing out of my mind for people to enjoy. Thank you!)


Its been a month since you joined the task force 141 med bay to help the wounded, you were happy with your job and felt like you were doing good for those in need. You made quite a few friends too, which you didn't mind but you'd rather stay to yourself and focus on work.

Though its been kind of slow lately..not many soldiers coming in to treat. Except for one..he always seems to come in with some kind of injury everyday, big or small. You recently learned the name of the skull mask wearing figure from another soldier you've treated before. His name was "Ghost" or that's what he would be preferred by, you never learned his real name though. You were curious about it, but you didn't want to push anything either.

You were changing some sheets on a bed with some clean ones for the next person, and behold the one that comes in is ghost himself. He stands kind of distance but he stands at the foot of the bed waiting for you until you were done. You finish changing the sheets and you turn your head, seeing he was waiting. This is the third time this week he's come in here..

"You okay?" You asked, your eyes scanning for the injuries on the large man in front of you.

He stays silent for a moment before speaking up, his low rough British accent bouncing its way into your ears; "Got hurt durin' sparring..need ya to look at my back.." he stares at you with those piercing blue eyes of his.

You nodded and pat the bed for him to sit down so you can take a look at his back. "Im gonna need you to hold your shirt up for me okay?" You smile softly at him and he does as told, lifting the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head as he sits on the bed, holding the shirt with one of his gloved hands so you can take a look.

You go up behind him and you put a knee against the other side of the bed to hold you steady as you gently put your hands against his back, your fingertips lightly feeling along his skin as you see quite the bruise. Guess he wasn't kidding about getting hurt..

"My my, you got quite the bruise mister..but you should be fine as far as I'm concerned, it'll heal in a couple weeks, just take it easy for a couple days alright?"

All he gave in response was a light 'Hm..'

What was up with this guy? You didn't understand him one bit..he's so quiet and for some reason he's always getting hurt and coming into the med bay. Such a strange man..but it kept you busy which you weren't too mad about, but you always wondered why he came in so much.

You didn't want to assume but you guessed he was a little too hardcore sometimes with his job. Some missions are tougher than others so you didn't blame him.

"You can put your shirt back down now, your all set to go." You speak up, to let him know he was all set to get back to whatever he was doing and you give him a smile.

He looks at you and he puts his shirt back over his head, getting up from the bed as he adjusts his shirt to it's original position, looking back at you as he nods his head to you and making his way out of the medicall wing.

You blink a bit and sigh softly and take your knee off the bed and you stretch your hands over your head hearing a few satisfying pops. You groan a bit and walk to the lockers rooms to change out of your medical attire and head to the mess hall for some food as it was towards the end of your shift.

Today has been a long day and your ready to go to bed. But your mind couldn't help but think..why did he come in here so much? What on earth is he doing to get hurt so many times? Such a repeated behavior was strange, he always seems to know when your there too..did he memorize your schedule? Strange..

..was he getting hurt just to see you?


Hello my friends! Thank you so much for your patience and thank you so much for reading my story, it means a lot to me and I hope to make another chapter soon!

But until then, see you later!! Bye~

His favorite nurse (Ghost Riley x Medic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now