Chapter 16: Hoseok

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Word count: 2171

POV: Hoseok

FREYA SIGNED EVERY single document that was thrown her way. She didn't seem to mind one bit that she was being asked to keep everything secret. Every time Namjoon politely apologized, she waved it off in understanding. Once she had finished signing the last document, she glanced at all of them.

Hobi was on the more hesitant side. He had experienced ten years of people pretending to be his soul mate. Each time they turned out to be lying, it was a stab to the heart. There were only so many jabs somebody could take.

However, he had broken up with Hettie because he was certain he'd finally meet his soul mate. He owed it to Hettie to actually try.

Sejin cleared his throat, "Well, I guess we should ask Freya how she can bring her cousin here."

Freya sighed, "Madeline can be quite stubborn. If she doesn't want to go somewhere, she will refuse. She knows something's up so she won't come here. Perhaps it would be better if we went to my house. I can invite her over?" She suggested, uncertainly.

Hobi noticed she didn't seem as confident asking this. He figured she didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

"Do you live with anyone else?" Sejin asked her in English. Namjoon was quietly translating for them.

"I live with my soul mate, Della. She works every day from twelve to eight." Freya told them, unconsciously touching her soul mark. "She would never reveal who you are. She'll happily sign the NDA as well."

Sejin hummed. Hobi turned to Namjoon and Yoongi who both had pensive expressions on their faces.

Just as they were about to reply, a loud ringtone sounded. Hobi didn't recognize it—he knew all of his brother's ringtones.

A slight blush coated Freya's cheeks as she realized it was coming from her phone. She apologized and pulled her phone out. Hobi watched her expression. A small crease formed between her thin and dark eyebrows.

"It's an unknown number." She murmured, choosing to not accept it.

"Okay, then perhaps we should discuss the logistics of this. We would have to have bodyguards surrounding your place." Sejin started planning it in his head, assuming BTS was on board with this plan. It seemed quite unconventional to do but if Madeline wouldn't come to the hotel, then they'd have to go to her. "Do you have any side doors? A way they can get in without being seen?"

"I live on the bottom floor so I have a back door. You can park around the back of the block. Not many people go that wa—" Freya was interrupted by her ringtone.

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