see me

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A fat envelope was handed to the nanny...

"You don't need to come here from tomorrow.."

She was a little confused and also worried...she had been working for Jimin since he came home from the hospital even if it wasn't a long time she had already formed a special bond with him and she could tell by his face that something was not right.


"It's your salary for the next six should be able to use it while you find another job... sorry for the suddeness but please accept this...if this is not enough I'll put another six months worth of your salary into your bank account by tomorrow...I only have this much now..."

Jimin eyes never once looked at her but she had no right to say anything... although they had a close bond she was still just a servant so she gave him a proper bow and left with the envelope...
Jimin didn't turn around to see her leave he just sat there with a cold emotioness face....

It started to rain as Jimin made his way out. He had no plan, he couldn't call Hoseok because he didn't wanna explain anything to him right now so he decided maybe should and stay in a hotel and clear his brain a little. It was very late at night so he couldn't book a taxi so he slowly wheeled himself towards the nearest bus stop. Truthfully it all felt unreal...he just wanted to curl up somewhere and cry his heart out but not a single tear was like his body had stopped producing tears...

A car zoomed past him but quickly stopped and reversed towards him but Jimin didn't notice any of this he was in his own world...

Jimin finally realised that the rain had miraculously stopped and looked up to see a man holding an umbrella over him...

Jimin's heart sank when he saw the man... again...

"Finally you see me..."

Min Yoongi said in a deep calm voice...


Yoongi gave him a gummy smile...

"You remember me?"

"How can I forget you....."

Min Yoongi was the owner of D-Town entertainment....he was Jimin's boss so to say but they had known each other since their middle school days. Yoongi was his senior and it was a well known secret that yoongi had a crush on him. After their high school they lost contact but Yoongi and Hoseok stayed friends so when Jimin wanted to be an actor Hoseok asked Yoongi to sign him which he did without a single question. Even though they worked together Jimin hadn't seen Yoongi for almost 6 years...he looked very different from the last time. Now he looked older, more mature and more handsome with his long jet black hair.

"Let's go...I'll drop you wherever you were headed to.."

That's the beauty of Yoongi he never asked him any questions...he let him join his company when he wanted to be an actor, he let him quit when he got married, he happily signed him again when he wanted to make a comeback and even now he didn't ask  him anything...

"It's fine hyung I'll take the bus.."

"The welfare of my artist is my aren't going anywhere alone..."

Yoongi responded shaking his head in disapproval..

Before Jimin could argue more he was being wheeled towards a black car.

A big bulky looking bodyguard tried to help him get in but was stopped by yoongi who helped Jimin get in himself..

"Hyung I am all wet your seats will be.."

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