03. The Game

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03. The Game

"I can't believe you're dragging me to a footy game."

I glanced in Georgie's direction, watching as she applied a layer of gloss over her puckered lips. She had curled her hair and done her make-up for the special occasion.

"Shut up. I know you're only coming to stare at Corey," I replied.

All I'd done was ask if she wanted to come. I didn't expect her to say yes, considering she never said yes when I was dating Dylan. Now she seemed eager to join.

Not that I was complaining. Now that I couldn't sit with Dylan's family and friends, I would've been alone at the game.

She smacked her lips and grinned widely. "You know me so well. I can't wait to see how this plays out."

"Please don't make me more anxious than I already am," I said.

"Girl, when Dylan sees you and Corey together, this is all going to be worth it. Trust me."

I nodded, releasing a shaky breath. She was right. It would be worth seeing his reaction. I didn't let my mind go beyond that—it tended to wander into the scary what-ifs of this whole fake-dating situation blowing up in our faces, or how the rest of the semester could play out.

No, I needed to focus on the now. And now I was going to meet up with Corey and go out as a couple for the first time.

Well, fake couple.

"Okay, how do I look?" I asked, turning to Georgie.

I had let my hair down and let Georgie do my make-up. Like Corey had demanded, I wore his jersey that fell all the way to my mid-thighs, with bike shorts underneath. He probably meant denim short shorts, but I didn't think I even owned any. A slouchy jacket was thrown over my shoulders, covering my bare arms.

"Cute," Georgie said. "But lose the jacket."

"No way. It's gonna be freezing," I said, only pulling it around myself tighter.

"Fine, whatever," she said. She reached up to adjust my hair before smoothing out my jersey—Corey's jersey. "You look hot, Sage. Make him regret all his life choices, yeah?"

For a second, I wasn't sure if she meant Corey or Dylan.

I nodded, suddenly feeling jittery. I hadn't seen either one all week. Okay, fine. I was putting in every bit of effort to avoid them, but now I had to face the music.

I took a deep breath. It was now or never.

I really hoped this stupid plan of mine didn't explode in my face.

"I'll meet you at our seats," I said to Georgie, grabbing my purse.

I had to get to the game early since Corey had to warm-up before the match, and he was picking me up. It worked out in a way. I could wish the boys good luck and mess with Dylan's headspace a little before the game started.

Or, at least, that's what I assumed.

All I knew was that Corey had texted me last night a simple five-word message: Pick you up at 4.

I sent back a thumbs-up. Clearly, we were a very loving couple.

"Alright," I said, releasing a tight breath. "Here I go."

"You've got this," Georgie said, patting my shoulder. "Go get your man."

Rolling my eyes, I made my way out the door. As I expected, the air was chilly. Winter was still thawing and the wind bit at my exposed legs. I hated that I was wearing shorts. If it were up to me, I'd be in sweatpants, or tights at the very least.

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