38|Growing Feeling

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Elianna's POV

I walked confidently down the stairs in my high heels.

I was in pain and forcing myself not to limp but that doesn't stop me from wearing my heels.

"What took you so long? We're going to be late!" Seb shouted as he pulled me into the kitchen.

My eyes immediately landed on Enzo who silently watched me as he poured his coffee.

I immediately looked away from him.

I was ashamed.

Last night is not who I am. I wasn't thinking straight last night.

Last night was just some lustful woman desperate for someone's touch and he was the only person available.

He left me on his table like I was some slut.

We didn't even kiss. He just made me cum then left.

I was so ashamed to crawl back into our room and sleep next to him like we didn't just do what we did.

Apart from all that, I was right. I did need him. I felt better but I didn't hate him any less like how Seb said I would.

I cringed when I realized he might have told Seb what happened between us.

I looked up to him and he was in his suit, carelessly sipping his coffee while scrolling through his phone.

He was acting so normal.

"You didn't apologize?" Seb whispered into my ear and I jumped.

"I did," I whispered back.

"Then why are you two acting like that?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know so quiet and awkward. You two would already be arguing about something by now."

It's either he didn't tell Seb or Seb's a damn good liar.

Definitely not the latter.

"I don't know," I said. "Could you get me some coffee?"

Seb looked at me flabbergasted. "The coffee is right over there."

I know but he was standing there.

I sighed before I picked up a mug and walked over to him.

I cleared my throat and stretched out my mug for him to pour the coffee for me.

He looked down on me and I suddenly felt weak in the knees.

I would pour the coffee myself if he wasn't standing in the way.

"Please," I mumbled as I looked away from him.

I closed my eyes as I remembered begging him last night to sex me.

I got tired of standing here like an idiot so I stretched my hand over to reach the coffee pot.

He grabbed my hand and I could feel sparks pass through my body.

I looked up to him and quickly pulled away my hand from him.

He just watched me. I don't know what it was but I did not like that.

It makes me feel guilty.

He hasn't said a word to me since last night. Why didn't he?

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