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Even though their little vacation was a lot of fun, Amena was happy to be home. It had been about a week and she was busy. 

It seemed like all of a sudden, she had several clients who wanted her art. She had three drastically different, very large paintings happening at once.

"Wow," Cyfrin said, stepping into the mess of her bedroom. "Amena, baby, you have a lot going on in here."

She had quickly run out of desk space and now the floor was home to a lot of her art supplies.

She let the clients pick the colors they wanted, so she had several different bottles of paint, and blank canvases and everything else scattered everywhere.

"Where have you been?" she asked curiously. It was a Saturday, and she hadn't seen much of him, mostly because she was trying to work, but he usually sat with her.

"Let me show you," Cyfrin said.

Amena wiped her hands, following him curiously out of her room and down the hall to an empty bedroom.

The door was open, and she was shocked when she stepped into the room.

Cyfrin had made her her own art studio.

There was a wooden table with shelves on the wall above it. The carpet was already covered in drop cloths and ready to go. He had multiple easels and carts for storage set up.

"You needed a work space," Cyfrin said, stepping up close behind her.

She turned to look at him, unable to form the words she felt. She was completely speechless.

"It's too much," she whispered, turning into his chest.

"No, it's not," he said back, matching her soft tone. "You need room to expand and spread out."

She dropped her head onto his chest, unsure of what to say that could ever be enough.

She couldn't contain the tears that spilled immediately. Never in her life had she felt so valid, so seen.

"Shh, baby," Cyfrin soothed, his hand pressing firm circles in her back. "It's okay."

"Cyfrin," she sobbed, gripping his shirt.

He picked her up easily, surprising her, and stopping the tears for just a second. He carried her back to her bedroom, setting her gently on her bed.

He pulled her favorite blanket around her shoulders, and she settled against him.

"What's the matter?" he whispered, smoothing the hair out of her face. "Did I offend you?"

"No, of course not," she said.

"Just overwhelmed?" 

She dried her cheeks with a nod.

"I'm sorry," Cyfrin said, kissing her forehead. "I didn't mean to."

Amena sucked in a deep breath. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You understand me better than anyone has. You always know what I need, and you take such good care of me. I love you with all of my heart."

Cyfrin smiled.  He was so handsome.

She lifted her head for a kiss, cupping his face to hold him in place. It was urgent, desperate to get her point across, desperate to show him how much he meant to her.

She shifted to straddle his waist.  His hands moved along her back, and hers tangled in his hair.

His hands slid down to her hips, gently bringing them down against his own. She gasped at the feeling, rocking her hips on her own terms, desperate for the friction that had her wound so tight.

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