Chapter 3

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"HE DID WHAT?" mom exclaimed turning to face me with a spatula in her hand

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"HE DID WHAT?" mom exclaimed turning to face me with a spatula in her hand.

"Yep," I said popping the 'p' extra hard.

"And what did you do?' she asked turning back to the stove.

"Well I tried to talk to them but they were still drunk, so it went absolutely nowhere," I sighed, "and the worse part was that Emma called herself my bestfriend while under my boyfriend."

"Now that she's finally gone, I can finally tell you this," she dished the pancakes as she spoke, "I never liked her."

"Really? You never seemed to have a problem with her," I grabbed my fork.

"It's called acting," she placed the dish in front of me and looked at me, "we had just moved and you grew so attached to her, so I just went along with it. Now I wished I had said something."

"It's fine," I took a bite out of the chocolate pancake, "this is what we call a learning experience."

"You're not as heartbroken as I expected," she said taking a bit out of my plate.

"It hurts more if I see them," I almost felt sick as I pictured what I saw on Friday, "but lets not talk about that right now, I don't want to lose my appetite."

With a head nod mom turned back into the kitchen to clean the mess she had made, she must've felt some serious pity for me because normally I would've been in that position. I went back to eating and since it was quiet my mind replayed the pictures of Friday night, I shake my head to get rid of those and instead focus on who dropped me home last night, Leo Haynes. 

Leo was quite popular at school seeing as he was the captain of our successful basketball team, and of course, like a teen cliché movie, the basketball and football teams did not get along. Mainly because of the hatred between two leaders, Leo and Brandon. The whole thing started when the basketball team started to catch up on the wins the football team had, and the school started to acknowledge Leo by giving him an award for helping bring up the basketball team, and Brandon's ego got crushed that he hadn't received it instead and started a huge feud.

Boys are so petty

Although I talked to some of the basketball members, Leo talking to me last night and giving me ride had surprised me, seeing as supposedly we were supposed to be 'enemies'. I was still grateful for that and I had to find away to repay him some way or another, he had saved me from doing something ridiculous, which was going back inside and asking for a ride. My thoughts came to a holt as the sound of the doorbell traveled across the room.

"I'll go get it," I said as I made my way to the door.

Please don't be Brandon

Please don't be Brandon

Please don't be Brandon

Please don't be Brandon

"Well hello there," I said as I saw the face of the person I've been thinking about.

"Hey," his gaze raked up and down, taking in my outfit, which consisted of an oversized t-shirt that covered my shorts with my hair flowing down my back. I took this time to look at what he was wearing, a white tank top and some shorts with sneakers covering his feet.

"What brings you here?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You left this in my car yesterday," he held up my purse in his hands.

"Thank you," I held out my hand for it, and he placed it there.

"That's it, see you at school," he turned around to move off but I quickly grabbed his arm trying my best not to focus on is muscles.

"Wait, you still didn't answer my question," he looked down at where my hand held him then he made eye contact with me, "how did you know where live?"

"Is it that important?" he asked which caused me to roll my eyes.

"Yes, it is," I took my hands of his bicep and took back my former position, crossing my arms, "what if you're my stalker."

"But if I was stalking you, you wouldn't know because I would lie," he answered copying my stance, and I shamelessly watched his muscles bulge.

"It was just an example," I replied, "can't you just tell me."

"The answer's in your hand," he pointed to the purse, "maybe you shouldn't write your address on your purse."

"I didn't write it," I flipped over the purse and saw my mom's handwriting, "my mom did, thanks for the heads up."

"Anytime," he grinned, "and I just want to say you have a very interesting gallery in there."

"You saw the picture didn't you?" I groaned. I had placed my baby pictures in my purse yesterday because Emma had dared me to do so, I easily agreed as no one was gonna see it but I obviously thought wrong.

"You were  very cute," he chuckled.

"What do mean by were, I'm still cute," I flicked a strand of hair over my shoulder.

"Sure you are," he rolled his eyes, "I would love to continue this conversation but I gotta get to practice and I know your ego is in shambles right now."

"First of all, my ego is in perfect shape because I know I'm cute," I said which earned a scoff, "and secondly I want to thank you again for last night, I'll make it up to you I promise."

"You don't have to," he argued

"But I will, it's just how I am," he must've saw the determination on my face because he let out a soft sigh.

"I love cookies," he said, "and I'm talking all kinds, so that's how you can repay me."

"Good thing I love to bake, "I smile, "Monday morning you will receive a box of cookies."

"I'll see you then," he smiled and then turned around and made his way to his car, he gave me a small wave as he saw me still standing there and then he took off.

"Mom," I said as I made my way back into the house, "why would you write my address on my purse?"

And with that my Saturday was much better

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