Nocturnal or Diurnal

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Is your theriotype nocturnal or dinural? Nocturnal animals are animals that come out at night, dinural animals are animals that are awake during the day. There are also some animals that are only awake a dusk and dawn, such as bats.

The diff types
Diurnal: active mainly at day
Nocturnal: mainly active at night
Crepuscular: mainly active at dusk and dawn
Cathemeral: can be most active at anytime/fluctuates

For me personally I'm not a morning person, both my theriotypes come out midday to night. When I was young I would always want to stay up and then never get up in the morning. So when trying to decide if your Nocturnal or Dinural look at your past experiences and feelings.


If you a Dinural therian try going to bed early and waking up earlier. Also try to be more active during the day.

If your a Nocturnal therian try to get up later and stay up late. Try being less active in the early morning.

🛑🛑be sure to not mess up your sleep schedule!!

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