chapter fifteen

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I had said too much.

As I rolled between my sheets that night, I couldn't stop replaying the argument with Cassie in my head. Especially when I said, "Fine. But then when he hits you, and abuses you, don't come back to Rafe. Don't come back to me."

I had cracked under anger, and I didn't even know why. Was it because of how she was talking about Rafe? It couldn't be. I had warmed up to him a little, but under me still remained a stoic layer of ice.

If Cassie had forgotten what I had said by now, everything would be fine. But you can't forget a sentence that holds that much weight like it's nothing. She may not have believed me in the moment, but if she even said a word of it to Aaron, I would be fucked. Royally fucked, and so would Rafe.

If Aaron found out I had told someone about what he did to me, I would be done for. He'd either ruin my reputation completely or ruin me in...other  ways. He wouldn't have an ounce of mercy for me even if I begged to have him back.

And then there was Rafe. Rafe, who was still half in love with Cassie. I couldn't understand why he'd ever want to be with a girl like that. There's a reason for everything, but I couldn't even begin to understand what it could be. Was she good in bed? Was that all it was?

Why do you care?

If she made one thing clear today, though, it was that she didn't want him. She thought he was a psychopath. She was done with him. I heard the way she spoke about him. I know Rafe thinks he still has a chance with her. He still wants her. He's playing this game with me so he can win her back.

In normal circumstances, I would tell him immediately so he wouldn't fall further down the rabbit-hole of lusting for Cassie. But these were anything but normal circumstances. If I told him the truth, he'd benefit. He'd rid himself of Cassie, but also of me. He'd have no use for me anymore, and I would be the laughing-stock of the entire island.

I couldn't tell him. I was going to put me first. I'd take this secret to the grave.


A soft knock pulls me away from my book. A smile lights up on my face. I rush to open the door, and am greeted by the open arms of my mother and my smiling father.

"Mom!" I exclaim, and immediately lean into her hug. "Dad!" I say. "I'm so glad you're back," I say.

"So are we, honey," my Dad says as I proceed to hug him next.

"How long are you guys here for now?" I say with a smile as we all walk back into the house.

The smile fades off my mother's face for a split second, but long enough for me to catch it too. "That's— That's the thing, honey, we're only here for a couple of days. It's Thursday today, and we— we leave on Tuesday."

My brows knit together as I shake my head. "W-What? I don't understand, I thought you guys were going to be here for longer? You were supposed to be here for— for two weeks."

"We're sorry, Luxie," my Dad said. "Something came up. And you know how we always prioritize our work travel in the summer, so we're here for most of the school year, when you really need us."

I laugh, trying my best to be genuine but I can't help but be a little sour. "This— This is a lot of travel."

"You're starting your senior year in the fall. And we know you're applying early to Harvard. It's been your dream since you were in 8th Grade. So we're going to try and be there for the entire year, little to no travel. But that means all our travel is pushed back into the summer."

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