Chapter 45

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Susan made noodles for Eden but the woman only had two bites before loosing her appetite completely. Anne was at work and did call twice to check up on Eden. Susan had sent Mia to be with her sister's and Eden didn't mind. She wanted little Mia to be as far away as possible from all of this.

Eden stared at the now cold noodles with a blank expression. A quick flash of how her life had completely turned upside down in the past few weeks made her gulp audibly. Susan stayed by her side and tried everything to comfort her but to no avail.

Eden had been avoiding Lionel's calls all day and refused to answer despite Susan saying it might be important. “You know he is also in the video right? He can help you Eden.” Susan began after walking out of her kitchen with cold coffee.

“It's all because of him that this is happening to me. Julian won't even answer my calls and he thinks I purposely hurt him Susan. And everyone out there is calling me a whore and a home wrecker. too much Susan.” Eden bit her lip to hold in her tears but they had already filled her eyes. How was she going to look Mia in the eyes. She knew such scandals were hard to forget in the public's eye but didn't know what else to do.

She would have probably ended it all but Mia's adorable face always held her back. She was tired of all these problems and she was certain they all started the moment Lionel waltzed back into her life. Everything was going wrong in her life thanks to Lionel.

Anger gripped her being and she cursed the day Lionel decided to walk back into her life. She had lost so many things because of him. She had lost a great friend who always stood beside her in all her troubles. She now lost her respect in society and was even scared to walk out of Susan's apartment. She couldn't digest the way the driver who dropped her off at Susan's looked at her.

“How is Mia doing Susan?” Eden asked after wiping her tears. “Mia is fine and having fun with my nephews and nieces. You can trust my sister to take good care of her.” Susan responded and sipped her cold coffee.

“What's on your mind right now?” Susan asked and Eden sighed leaning her head against her hand who had her elbow on the dining table. “Right now am worried about my job. With this scandal out, I would be out of work. Mrs Souqeline wouldn't want her reputation ruined by still hiring me.” Eden spoke with her lips trembling. She knew it was a possibility.

A possibility that she could be fired on the spot although she hadn't received any calls from work. But how could she not worry. She had her hopes and her career set out on this work of hers but now feared she will be jobless again. Susan patted her and only looked at her with worry. How she wished she could help her friend right now.

Eden knew a scandal like this would be non tolerant in the entertainment industry. Having her work under Souqeline condo eventually ruin her brand's reputation and image. She had no one else to help her out of the situation and even switched off her phone. She couldn't bear to check the news as she knew what she was going to see. She had become a star in less than a day and it was all because of Lionel.

She thought if she was drugged then Lionel wasn't and could have refused to sleep with her but he did. He took advantage of her vulnerable state and it turned out that some degenerate was filming them. She shooked her head trying to get those sneering stares off her mind. She and Susan heard some noise outside of Susan's house and both of them moved their head towards the door.

Just then a knock was heard on the door and Eden wondered who was behind the door. The noises got louder and then she heard the one voice she wished not to hear now, if possible not ever again. A frown became visible on her face and anger rushed in afterwards. The knock came again and Susan raced to the door to open it and see Lionel standing behind the door with a bunch of local press outside as well.

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