New Beginnings

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A year later~

Skyler and I were engaged, living out away from the city in the peace and quiet while Carson and his ex, now boyfriend, were moved into another state. Abbie had found herself a partner and they were happily living in her apartment together. I ended up working for my fiance and worked from home while taking care of the many dogs and cats we now rescued and adopted. 

"Here" Skyler said as he handed me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes while I typed away designing a new ad for his company. 

"How does it look?" I asked while trading him my tablet for the delicious looking pancakes I was about to devour. 

"Looks perfect, as always" He complimented before pecking my lips and walking back into the kitchen. I focused back on my design and added finishing touches while I heard Skyler making our dog's breakfasts next. I smelled the amazing scent of sardines and covered my nose while looking at my soon to be husband. 

"I told you to make their food in the dog room" He chuckled as he saw me holding my nose and I scolded at him. 

"I wouldn't have to if they weren't fed raw" He pointed out making me roll my eyes and try to eat my food over the disgusting smell. Once they ate, he took them outside while I washed and put away my plate. I felt his arms wrap around me while I was looking through the closet for something to wear and he pecked my bare shoulder. 

"Do you not have work today?" I questioned before grabbing a cute sun dress and sandals. 

"No, I'm off. I get to spend my day with my favorite girl" 

"Your favorite? Who's the other girl?" I questioned as a joke, but felt my heart sink when he went quiet and responded with:

"Who do you think?" I turned around to see a soft look in his eyes and feel his hand placed on my stomach. "Our future baby girl" 

"Oh, Skyler. You scared me" He wrapped me up in a hug and pecked the side of my head while rubbing my back. 

"I'd never do anything to lose the best thing that ever happened to me" I wanted to cry at his words, but didn't want him to feel bad. We got dressed before he took me out for a walk through the fields with the dogs. I smiled while watching them run freely and watched as Skyler took off after them. I chuckled as they left him in their dust making him retreat back to me. 

"You're no match for the four leggeds" I teased while he panted and looked up at the sweat on his forehead glistening in the sunlight. 

"We should get a pool" He stated and I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not but I agreed. 

"And a jacuzzi" I said while smiling thinking about how nice it would be to watch the sun set together while in it and he started dialing someone which pulled me from my thoughts. 

"Mark, find someone to build a pool and jacuzzi for my house will you? Okay, thanks. Bye" I shook my head and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. 


"What my queen wants, she shall get" He stated while kissing my hand making me blush. It's crazy that no matter how long you're with someone they can still give you butterflies and make you blush. That's how you know the love is genuine and pure. It's crazy how this amazing relationship blossomed from me becoming friends with someone and moving in with him. I thank the stars for meeting Carson everyday because if it wasn't for him, I never would've found the love of my life. I leaned into Skyler's hug while he placed a kiss to my head before recalling the dogs to head back home. Our home. 

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