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Before the players digested this matter, the old man continued: "There are exactly fifteen vacant rooms, and each of them lives in one room."

Immediately, some players asked: "Can several people live in one room."

The old man didn't look back. : "If you are not satisfied with the guest room here, you can find another place to live outside the castle."

The players immediately fell silent, it seems that they must have a room for each person.

The old man opened the nearest room on the second floor, and the players immediately looked inside, for fear that something strange would come out.

The inside of the room is very clean and tidy. It looks very modern and has all the household items, but there are no windows and the light is a little dark.

The small square windows they saw outside the castle were distributed on the fourth floor and the top spiers of the castle, where the old man expressly prohibited players from entering.

There are eight vacant rooms on the second floor, and seven rooms on the third floor. After discussion among other players, the ten-person team lived on the second and third floors 50-50, Zhou Zhou and the others lived on the second floor, and the other two players lived on the third floor.

After the other players made their choices, they entered the room. The main reason was that the old man kept staring at them until someone went in and closed the door before continuing to the next room.

The players originally wanted to find more news in the castle, but the old man's attitude was also very firm. He didn't want to stay in the guest room and left the castle. The players could only enter the house in despair.

Zhou Zhou and the others were in the three rooms at the corner of the second floor. When the old man started staring at them again, Zhou Zhou stood at the door and suddenly asked, "Isn't it always night here? What time is tomorrow morning?

" There is only night and no day in the forest, so what time does the old man call everyone tomorrow morning? Is there morning here?

The rest of the players only thought of this question and looked at the old man one after another.

"I will call you in three hours. Please rest well during this time and don't go out of the room." The old man leaned on crutches, his tone implied warning.

The rest of the players nodded in agreement, joking, what to do if they don't agree to be kicked out, what else do they do with the task.

Zhou Zhou walked into the room first, and Lan Ya and Alvia also walked into the other two rooms.

The sound of crutches and footsteps outside the door gradually moved away, and the remaining seven players continued to follow the old man to the third floor.

Standing in the room, Zhou Zhou looked at the surrounding environment. There was no wrinkle on the bed, no dust on the table, and there was a faint fragrance in the room. The whole room felt very comfortable.

In the dungeon, he couldn't send messages to his companions, and he couldn't leave the room. Zhou Zhou wandered around and didn't know what to do. He moved his eyes to the big soft bed and stared at it for a long time.

A few minutes later, Zhou Zhou lay on the bed, covered his eyes with the quilt and closed his eyes. He slept for three hours first, and got up again when the old man called.

He lived a very regular life in the game of Love Academy, going to bed at dark and getting up at dawn.

In the capital of nightmares, the flow of time in Novice Village and the dungeon is different. Zhou Zhou always feels that his biological clock has been destroyed. Sometimes he can't rest for several days in the dungeon. Now that he has time to sleep, he has to sleep quickly.

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