CH 42 || Done With the Lecture, Professor?

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I dragged my feet as I made my way back to the interrogation room, yet not even the slowest pace made up for the fact that the bathroom was only a few yards away. Did Detective Johnson tell Killian about the guy who followed me? I wasn't sure which scenario would be worse.

Coming to a halt at the partly opened door, I overheard Killian's voice. "Dad..." he muttered. "You can't keep eating all this junk food."

A scoff filled the air. "Do you think I've gotten weak? I can still take you down easily."

That didn't sound like they were discussing me or my case... I peered inside the room. Killian leaned on the table his face exasperated. With a shake of his head, he pleaded, "You have to watch your health. Give me your schedule. I'll bring you food. If you keep going like this, you won't even be able to—"

His sentence was abruptly cut off as he glanced up and noticed me. "Tay."

My mouth twitched when Detective Johnson continued to rant, seemingly oblivious to the interruption. "When we were in the army," he said, "they made us march long distances with full gear. I can still do that easily."

Killian rolled his eyes, straightened up, and locked his gaze on me. "You ready?"

"Yeah," I replied, clasping my hands together. "Thank you for your help, Detective."

Detective Johnson waved me off. "Of course. This one has mentioned you—"

Killian's eyes widened, and a distinct shade of red colored the tips of his ears. "Dad," he interjected urgently. "It's time to sleep. We're leaving."

"Sleep? But I'm on the night shift—"

"Whatever. Tay needs to rest. So, we're heading out."

Had he just said Killian mentioned me...?

Detective Johnson offered me a reassuring smile. "Kel can be a bit reserved sometimes. Don't take it to heart too much. You have my number if he causes you any trouble..."

Reserved? Killian?

A stupid grin stretched my face. Oh, this would turn the tables a lot.

Killian snatched the back of my jacket and began dragging me out. "Don't make me pick you up," he grumbled under his breath.

"If I remember correctly, I picked you up as well." I twisted, trying to see over his shoulder. "Perhaps I should discuss this with your dad. I bet he's interested to know what his son has been up to these days..."

The whole no ambulance thing made much more sense now. If Killian got sent to the hospital, I'd bet his dad would find out within an hour.

"You can try," he warned.

"Aw... don't be shy, Killian."

All traces of humor vanished from his voice. "Before that, Princess, you have a lot of explaining to do."

I clamped my mouth shut. Here's to hoping he'd forgotten about that.

Killian opened the passenger door, and I tried to ignore the way my heart fluttered as he waited for me to get in. All the way to the apartment the silence between us was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

As soon as he switched on the lights in their apartment, I knew the time to sort out my thoughts had run out. With a dark face, he dropped my bags and turned to me.

"So, explain," he demanded.

"What exactly?" I stalled, pretending to be fascinated by the couch. It was a nice couch. Big and comfy.

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