yes, im bad

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Chapter 6: yes, I'm bad

*nah nah nah wake up estupidaaaa*

My alarm that Ryan gifted me when I was released is the most annoying ass present in the history of presents!

I brought my head up from my pillow and stuck my hand out and with a full force blow I smacked the shit out of it making it land across the floor hitting the bathroom door

*nah nah nah wake up estupidaaaa*

It kept repeating with Ryan's voice

"Oh you son of a bitch" I muttered as I got up and stalked over to it in a murdering way

I contemplated on using my gun but I knew I would raise questions

So instead I picked up the clock and walked over to my window where I chucked it out smashing it against a tree

I closed my window shut and went back to bed which only lasted for 10 minutes because my phone began to ring

"UGHHHHHH" I screamed into my pillow

"Someone wants to fucking die!" I sat up and grabbed my phone from the nightstand and looked at the callers screen

*Birth giver*

Shes lucky shes my mother

I answered before dragging out a very long "yesssss mamiiiiii" and slumping back down on my bed.

"Sweetheart! I just got the most exciting news ever! Come to my bedroom!"  Before I could protest she hung up

I rolled my eyes and dropped my phone before walking to the bathroom cursing incoherent words

"Fuc....sleep....I hate....peop.....alarm....gonna kill....Ryan and his bic....ass....I wanna....die"

I brushed my teeth and then went into my closet before picking out a pair of sweat pants and a black sweatshirt with L.A written in white letters on the front.

I grabbed a hair clip and brushed my hair before holding it folded in the back.

I put on some black socks and slipped on my slippers before grabbing my phone and walking down the hall

I went down the stairs and into another hall

Wait- I dont know where her room is!

For fucks sake

Whatever she can come find me herself after all I didnt ask for this house hell I didnt ask for a step father and step siblings or to get lost in this big ass mansions with 1 million freaking floors!!!

Let's find the kitchen....

I walked more down stairs until I was on the first level because I was too scared to use the elevator in case it broke down with me inside

Overthinker at its best-

I walked into a room where I heard chatter coming from

Sure enough it was the kitchen and 3 of my step brothers were already there sitting on the high counter chairs.

Elias was sipping coffee and scrolling on his lap top while daniel and Zander were eating pancakes

I decided to act like they didnt exist since I could tell they werent that fond of having a step sister either

I walked in the kitchen with an emotionless face so they could see just how bitchy I could be too

I walked over to the fridge and took out the coffee cream along with the half and half milk

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