Chapter 7

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Still holding onto each other, we enter the lavishly decorated ballroom where an ocean of beautiful gowns and boring suits twirl and mingle. Sherlock's expression is serious as we navigate our way through with the rest of the entering guests. The orchestra plays a fast-paced song as we make out way to a less crowded spot. I smirk at Sherlock as I can tell he is trying not to turn his nose up at this affair "Not a fan of balls?" I pry.

"Oh no, they're lovely, I just..." He looks around and then returns to my eyes "Yeah, not a fan of balls" We laugh together and he holds me tighter for a moment, I glance down to where his hand is on my waist and I can't find words to say. He catches this and hastily removes his hand and clears his throat "I believe Mr Lyon is at the end of the staircase there," he hinges his head in the direction of the group huddled by the stairs, where I see a short tubby man speaking with a few other people. I assume that's Mr Lyon at least. My eyes drift back to Sherlock quickly as he leans closer to my face. " Hey so I was thinking, could it be someone in the treasury? Working for him?"

His lips curl into a smirk, his beautiful eyes listen with happiness "Not a bad theory, we shall find out"

I nod in agreement, my heart beating slightly faster at this closeness, but I must ignore it. "Who is there? I assume you have met his staff before, you've been on the case far longer than I." Sherlock's jaw clenches slightly, and he appears somewhat annoyed. "I have not met them as such, I know them though." clearly annoyed, he leans back away and stands up straight.

"Hey, we're meant to look happy, remember? You're the one that said so." I smile and put my hand on his shoulder so to an outsider it seems we are just a couple happily conversing at a ball. His body eases up "Right." he smiles, revealing his sharp canines. "Well dearest, shall we go talk to them?" I smile and take his arm "We shall."

We walk through the crowds, receiving stares and gasps as people recognize the famous detective on my arm. A petite blonde woman approaches us hastily, stopping us in our tracks "You're him, aren't you? Sherlock Holmes?" her beautiful blue eyes stared him down, it's like I could smell what she was about to do "I quite admire the work you do... for the unfortunate victims of crimes. You must have to surround yourself with the lesser so often," she pouts fakely as she drags her fan across her bosom to try and draw his eye "I could see you if you wished for finer company." Her eyes drift toward me by her last words, where she smirks and then looks back at him innocently. The woman's hand is extended toward him "I am Elizabeth, Elizabeth Torey." Putting on her best doe eyes, she awaits his response.

I feel a slight pang of jealousy pulling on my heartstrings but I am calmed when I look up to his face that is less than impressed. "I keep fine company, thank you, Miss. But I shall keep you in mind" He gives her a quick wink and continues to guide me by the waist through the crowd, I have very mixed feelings at this moment. Did he truly just flirt with another woman in front of me? I know we're only pretending to be together for the case but still, we're supposed to be convincing. Does he just not care about me? Jesus, I sound desperate even in my own head.

 ...In a not-weird way. 

"Seriously, Sherlock?" I say in a judgmental whisper.

"Jealous?" He teases. I simply roll my eyes as he laughs.

We finally reached our destination. The group initially looks at us funny but this is quickly switched when Sherlock is recognised "Ah, Mr Holmes and... his friend, how lovely of you to join us." Lord McIntyre is the first to greet us, his is the case we are solving, although I have not met him yet, I was hired by Mr Darcy as you recall. "Lord McIntyre I am Y/N L/N, I am working on your case with Sherlock. A pleasure to meet you at last." I extend my hand which he takes with a look of confusion and leaves a kiss, pure courtesy, strangely I see Sherlock tense up beside me. Oddball.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Y/N. Might I say that gown is exquisite on you?" He flashes a creepy smile and I chuckle nervously and blush. "Thank you, you have a mighty moustache." He bows his head with amusement as he laughs along with his colleagues. "You do have an amusing woman, Mr Holmes." 

"I- I am not his woman," I say confused while still trying to keep a smile on my face, I rattle my head trying to think of a way not to embarrass myself right now.

"Oh yes, a detective." Lord McIntyre uses air quotations and then proceeds to wink at Sherlock who looks equally disgusted at his misogyny. Good boy. "I can see why they let you on the case though, with your beauty, any man would reveal himself" Another eruption of laughter and my face starts to burn with embarrassment.

"She's actually quite more dangerous than that," Sherlock starts "beautiful and genius." He smiles at me and then looks at the rest of the group who are now silent as ever. "Perhaps you may introduce us to everyone else, I feel we have been here so long..." 

"Ah yes, this here is my wife, Cirilla" a beautiful woman, pity she has to stay with him "This is Mr Lyon's wife, Abigail" a stern-looking older woman, "and this is my trusted assistant, Ms Mira Troy." Mira eyes us up and down with a warm smile, she steps forward and shook my hand 

"Pleasure to meet you, my dear."

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