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Chapter 26

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I was not prepared for how busy the first few hours of a wedding can be... especially if one forms part of the bridal party. After the ceremony, the guests were ushered from the chapel and coordinated to congregate at a nearby hotel for the reception hor d'oeuvres, drinks and later dinner. The wedding party, along with immediate family members, were shepherded to a nearby beach for a scenic photoshoot.

This lasted an hour until the bridesmaids and groomsmen were finally told we could leave after spending endless moments balancing on jagged rocks, being whipped by sandy winds and posing in all manner of positions to get the perfect shot in the perfect golden hour lighting.

Yet still, once in the pretty veranda outside the hotel where the menagerie of guests had accumulated, partaking in refreshments and bite-sized savoury snacks to tide them through the hours yet until dinner, we were not afforded a reprieve as Mia utilised the opportunity to gather Bray and I to set up the bridal suite for when Sipho and Sadie left for the evening. The hotel had provided them with a complimentary, lavish room for their special evening, and we subsequently scattered rose petals literally everywhere, as well as a few chocolate covered strawberries, which had unfortunately mostly been devoured by two curious little flower girls back at the house earlier, and a bottle of champagne that the serving staff would keep chilled on ice for when the couple retired.

Once we had rejoined the rest of the guests, I had just procured myself a flute of sparkling wine when relatives of Sipho required assistance on some place to store their coats, which I happily obliged, reluctantly abandoning my much needed drink and ignoring the panging of my ankles that were protesting being in heinously tall heels for so long. After which, I never found my way back to that flute glass as endless queries, introductions, and general chit chatting with the happy couple's guests seemed to preoccupy much of my time.

Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of Killian in the fray... smiling amiably, so very handsome, as he engaged in conversation with Dom or Matty off to one side in the shade. These glimpses were far too fleeting, and the longing in my heart had to be set aside in lieu of the need of someone else. Normally, I enjoyed conversing and engaging with other people, and that wasn't to say I wasn't right then, but I couldn't help but crave to remove myself from everyone else and press into Killian's body, as if he were a sanctuary and I in need of retreat.

Finally, the couple were set to make their first appearance as Mr and Mrs Dlamini and myself, the coordinator, and other bridesmaids hurriedly urged guests into the venue.

I barely had time to grin up at Killian as he came to stand beside me, at long aching last, and sweep his arm around my back, holding me close. He bent down, pressing his lips to the hair just above my temple, murmuring, "Missed you, Hux."

My heart just about melted into a bubbling puddle. Before I could say anything, a jaunty tune resounded from within the function hall, signalling our entrance into the venue. Bray went first with Dom latched onto her arm, then Kills and I followed, with Mia and Matty sauntering in behind us. Sadie and Sipho then, rather dramatically, entered the resplendently decorated hall to a plume of smoke from a machine nearby, an array of flashy disco lights, and a pivotal moment in the chorus that accompanied the whoops, applause and cheering of very merry and libated guests.

There was a brief moment between then and the speeches that I was able to have my first drink of the evening, and finally have a seat and take some weight off my poor ankles. I could also admire the interior. It was my favourite part of weddings, seeing how the final product had come together with little pieces of the bride and groom in every detail. The beamed ceiling was strung with millions of roped fairy lights that cascaded down a nearby wall which had been covered with polaroid pictures of happy memories that included every single one of Sadie and Sipho's guests. At the bottom, several huge steel drums that had been sawed in half and painted with daisies were topped with ice and stuffed full with beverages for guests to take as needed.

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