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i woke some time around noon.

Topper was beside me on his phone, but put it down when i stretched.

"finally, you're awake." he rolled his eyes.

"you better not have been taking pictures of me sleeping." i warned.

"i'm past that now, don't worry." he laughed.

when we were fifteen, Top had gotten into the annoying habit of taking mugs of me as i slept and using them as blackmail.

he really was a prick back then.

"did you sleep alright, though?"

i nodded, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"my Mom came in before she went to work but i said we could make our own breakfast."

"neither of us can cook," i reminded him. "remember what happened on the Island?"

he gagged at the thought of our failed attempt at making pasta with sauce.

"you did not have to mention that." he groaned.

i grinned and sat up, grabbing my own phone off the beside table.

my smile dropped as i read my notifications.

over one hundred texts and missed calls from Rafe.

where's my car

run away like you always do

where are you

fuck you

come back home right now, Juno

please, J

i tapped one of the voicemails and held the phone to my ear.

'i don't know where you are, Juno. you better not have crashed my car. come back now and we can talk about it.'

he was slurring his words, which could only mean he'd found more alcohol.

or drugs.

Top gently took the phone out of my hand and put it back on the table.

"go have a shower and i'll find something for us to eat." he said gently.

i sighed and nodded, getting out of bed and padding into the bathroom.

i showered quickly and grabbed a t-shirt out of Top's closet before heading downstairs.

i grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured myself a glass of water.

"i made eggs and toast," Top carried two plates over to the kitchen table.

"smells good," i slid onto a chair.

"let's hope we don't get salmonella," he grinned as i took a bite.

"don't even joke, Thornton." i warned.

"ooohhhh," he mocked.

i picked up my water and threw the contents all over him.

he sat still for a moment, likely in shock, then burst out laughing.

he jumped up ran over to the sink, grabbing a bowl from beside it and filling it with water.

"don't you dare, Topper Thornton!" i shrieked, running to the door.

in a couple of steps he was in front of me, dumping the icy water over my head.

i gasped and wrenched the door open, running through the garden towards the hose pipe.

i turned it on and aimed the water at him, but he advanced on me, picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder.

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