chapter 16

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Ailee was in the mall with her mama, Iris and Emma.

She bought so many cute sundresses, loungewear and pastel coloured shirts for herself and only a few pairs of Jordans and Nikes.
She wouldn't have bought so much had her mama not forced her to, whereas Iris and Emma almost had the whole showroom under their name.

After 3 very long hours, they were almost done and will be retiring to their house after this last purchase.

"I am confused. Should I ask Gigi?" said Iris, already calling her sister.

"Speak up Iris I'm very busy unlike you." came her voice after two rings.

" So sweet of you Gi. I sent you some pictures, help me to pick one dress" Iris said with a straight face.

" Just buy all of them Godddddd! Can you be anymore annoying?" said Gigi in exasperation.

" No, I already bought so many. I don't have enough space in my closet."

" Ugh you're so annoying." she said and the line went silent.

Iris fist bumped the air in victory.

"Just choose the rose gold one." she said and hung up not even waiting to hear her response.

"Thank you?" replied Iris looking baffled.

She ended up buying all three dresses and then they left for a hearty meal that their mother promised them.


Later that night she was sitting on her balcony reading a book and eating the chocolates given by Xavier.

She was worried about him and decided to call and check how he is doing.

She immediately dialed his number and waited.

"Coco?" came his reply immediately after receiving the call.

"Hii" she said quietly, looking far away in the distance.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a hint of worry visible in his voice.

"Yes I am. I just wanted to know how you were doing." she said putting down the choco bar she was munching on.

He exhaled loudly.

"Don't worry about me Coco. I am used to this."

"I can't help it because I am not used to having my friends and family in distress." she said quietly looking down at her lap.

He was in a bad mood and she was worried about him. What could be better than spending some time together? It will put both of them to ease.

"Be ready. I will be there in 10 minutes."

Her eyes widened.
She jumped up from her seat and bolted to her closet.

He could hear shuffling of things from her side and smiled a little knowing she was getting ready.

And true to his words he was outside her house in exactly 10 minutes. Throughout this time neither of them hung up to provide a sense of comfort to each other.

She happily skipped her way to him looking so adorable in her pinkish beige nightwear.
She had to have a vast collection of those cute sets of night suits.

"Hi," she said, waving at him.

"Hey" he said, ushering her in the car quickly because he didn't want her to stay out for long in the chilly weather in case she catches the cold.

"Beach?" she asked, putting on her seatbelt.

"Not this time."

"Oh, then where?" she said looking at him.

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