Chapter 18

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Meanwhile at the campsite, Stolas's group was not having very much luck in the department of technology. They managed to get one computer working but the rest was almost completely broken beyond repair. Very few devices were left in one piece and in proper working order.

"Well this is a shitty situation we've gotten ourselves into." Angel said. "There's absolutely nothing we can use. And the email on the computer is pretty much useless without wi-fi."

"Well maybe Loona and the professor have found a signal for her phone and we can call for help." Vaggie said.

"I hate to shatter everyone's hopes for survival but I've been to every spot in range of our camp looking for bars, and there's nothing." Loona said getting back from her search. "Nada. Zip. No chance of us reaching anybody."

"Perhaps we should try morse code then." Stolas suggested.

"During the day?" Loona said. "On an island in the middle of the ocean, where very few ships pass?"

"And does anyone here even know morse code?" Vaggie added.

"Well no, I don't think so. But do you have a better idea?"

"Yeah I've got one." Angel spoke up. "I could try to build a cellphone tower."

"What?" Loona said looking at him in disbelief. "You can't build one of those here. You need like a whole construction crew or something."

"Actually all I need is a compass, a meter, some rope reels and spindles, wire, a wire pulling grip, some data communication tools, alignment tools, and height tools. I'm sure we can find most of that around here somewhere and what we can't find, I'll make from scratch."

Vox suddenly started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Angel asked.

"You! Thinking that you can actually build a cellphone tower." He was practically cackling. "Look kid, I know that you probably feel a little inferior around all these scientists and you wanna show off, but don't embarrass yourself."

"For your information I happen to be a scientist too."

"Yeah I'm sure."

"I have a bachelor's degree."

"In what? The study of being a pretty boy hooker? I bet you had to sleep your way into college."

"Don't you dare speak to him that way!" Vaggie defended fiercely. "He has an IQ of 120, he's brilliant! A tech genius! He just doesn't flaunt it! And if you know what's good for you, you'll respect that!"

"It's okay Vaggie." Angel said with a gentle hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "I'm alright. You know insults have never bothered me. And if he wants to believe I'm a moron fine, we can just leave his ass behind when help arrives."

"Alright you three, let's just calm down." Stolas said. "Fighting amongst each other isn't going to solve anything."

"He's right. We need to focus on doing whatever it takes to get off." Vox said. "I say we start by taking apart one of the boats and using it's parts to make a larger flare, that we can shoot up when a plane passes by."

"Too risky." Angel said. "Those boats are our only means of transportation, if we fail to reach outside help and lose the boats, we could be stuck here forever."

"I'm inclined to agree." Stolas said. "I think we should go with Angel's idea of building a cellphone tower."

"With all due respect, Valentino left me in charge." Vox said.

"Well we never consented to that arrangement." Vaggie said. "Besides, at least Angel's idea won't leave us stranded for life."

"Great! So we're going with my idea!" Angel said. "Now for starters, let's gather up all devices and divided them into two piles. One for devices that still work or can be fixed, and one for completely ruined devices that we can break down for spare parts."

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