The Woman Of His Dreams

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Dedicated to PinkLoop!!

After the response to the last update/announcement, Im speechless..

Love you all so so so much more now!
Thanks for all the wishes!

Happy Reading


"You know son, your life is about to change. A once-in-a-lifetime change. It'll never happen again. How crazily it changes now is not in your hands but let me tell you something my son, it is only up to you whether you wish to change it for better or for worse. Mayra is a lovely girl and I'm very sure that she'll keep you very happy, but always remember son, you must do everything within your power to make her happy too. She's leaving her whole life behind to be a part of yours. Don't ever forget that. Cherish her always.

"I'm sure you will, son. Tonight is the most important night of your life - a brand new beginning - and I just want to say that I'm proud of you son! I couldn't be happier! I'm really proud of you and I wish you, and Mayra, all the happiness in the world. Love you, son!"

Life has a funny way of turning around. When one starts to feel settled in a routine, starts to feel comfortable in his place and accepts his life and aspirations, it does a dangerous spin. What is a joyous occasion of heartfelt celebration for one, becomes a sad and tragic story of helpless suffering of another. One man's pain can be another's pleasure. One man's anger can be a woman's abused body and broken mind.

But what was amazing is that even before he landed that first slap on Mayra's cheek on their wedding night, something within him had been abused. Something within him had suffered and had been broken. Something within him had died a miserable death. His compassion.

How else could he have done something so depraved to have hit his bride on their wedding night, and then every night since? How could his conscience allow him to do such a thing? Now he realised that it had been possible for him because his conscience had died. No, it had been brutally murdered at the hands of his anger.

But his compassion and conscience weren't the only things that died that night.

"I'm proud of you son."

Aamir was so sure he would never hear those words from his father, ever again. His father's trust in him, his pride at having Aamir as his son was dead too. And that caused a massive pain in his chest every time his father so much as looked at him.

Aamir wondered if he would ever get to see his father's beaming face just as it had been when he came to give that particular piece of fatherly advice right before the Nikah ceremony. Mayra's parents had been detached, uncaring that night, but Aamir's family had been truly in the mood for celebration. Aamir himself had been in the mood for celebration when his father had reminded him that from the moment he accepted Mayra's hand in Nikah, her happiness would be his priority. His highest priority.

And what had he done?

He destroyed her. Shattered her in the worst way a human being could be shattered because now she had accepted enslavement. She called him "master".

The pain that one word evoked in his heart was unbearable. He called her his 'princess' and she thought of him as his master? He treated her as his 'princess' and she still thought of herself as his slave?


Where was he lacking in his show of affection and care? Why was it becoming so difficult for her accept the change in him? Was he not demonstrating it enough? Was he not showering her with enough attention? Should he do more? Should he double his effort? Triple it?

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