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Red Elderberry

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I don't stand when the heavy metal door swings open. I don't move at all. Instead, I stay curled into a ball, tucking my knees into my chest on the 'bed' they've provided, hoping, begging for the pain to stop. I force my eyes open but can't keep them from fluttering closed again, until hot pain pierces my chest, and my eyes shoot open. My muscles go rigid as I clamp my hands over the spot where the pain festers, but nothing helps. Nothing ever helps. The pain builds like someone is turning a knob on the stove, the flame growing inch by inch until I'm sure one more notch will kill me and then as suddenly as it started, it melts away and I'm left gasping, gagging, trying not to throw up again.

Everything is blurry, dark and the only thing that comes into focus is red. Red eyes staring at me as Leah crouches in front of my cot. "Try anything and I'll double it." The threat is unnecessary. We both know it. I haven't tried to attack her or Leroy, haven't tried to run, haven't even had the strength to lift myself off my cot.

"I've answered all your fucking questions." I want to scream but my voice comes out shaky and broken.

Leah extends a hand and I flinch. The corners of her mouth curl into the slightest smile at my fear. "I don't appreciate foul language." Her tone is level. "Where are the lawbreakers staying?"

My chest clenches. No matter how I answer, pain is coming. "I told you I don't fu—"

She flashes me a look.

I clear my throat. "I don't know, Leah. I swear to God, I don't know. I was on the beach when they showed up and I ran. I ran away. I don't know them. I'm not part of their group. I swear on my life. Please—" The pain hits the same time her expression shifts and before I can beg I'm crippled against the cot; my muscles so tense they could rip. I'm not sure how long the pain lasts, not even sure when it ends.

"You think I believe your lies?" she asks, leaning closer. "You think I believe your story?" Her voice grows louder with every word. "You want me to believe you were on the same beach as the rebel vampires by coincidence?"

"Yes." Tears push at my eyelids but I'm too tired to cry. "I don't know those people. I swear to God. I swear." My words turn into mumbles, and I find my cheek pressed against the cold cot, my body collapsing into a dreamless sleep, but I know she's still here, still staring at me with those ruby eyes. Sometimes, when my body collapses from exhaustion, she leaves me alone, maybe taking pity on me, maybe bored by the lack of resistance. Other times, she jolts me awake with another burst of fire in my chest. This time, someone clears their throat. Leroy. I can smell his perfume.

"She's not lying to you, Leah."

"You're wrong."

"My gift has never betrayed us!" His voice goes high. "You're not the only elder who has mastered their abilities."

"You. Are. Wrong." There's a tense pause before Leah continues. "That girl is hiding something from us and if you won't get to the bottom of it, I will."

"For Christ's sake, Leah! You're blinded by your pride. You made a guess. You were wrong. Own it and move on. You've been torturing this girl for weeks. And for what? You're in the exact same place as when you started. We don't know anything about the traitors. We're no closer to putting an end to the madness happening in Bolton County. And you're—"

His voice is cut off by a wailing alarm. A familiar alarm. The same one I heard the last time they questioned me. Hope swells in my chest, gives me the strength to force my eyelids open but I can't move, can't peel my body from the cot.

Leroy and Leah exchange a confused look.

"Do you think... Is it them?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Leroy!" Leah pushes him and storms out the door.

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