15.One Realization

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The shaking got worse and panic struck the entire squad. Omega stepped closer to Alona and Hunter, her eyes wide in fear. "What do we do?" She asked.

"Uh, what about plan 7?" Wrecker asked, earning weird looks from the others.

"Plan 7 has nothing to do with this situation whatsoever." Echo retorted from his place between Wrecker and Tech.

"Well-well then you think of something!" Wrecker shouted. Omega grabbed onto Alona's hand, trying to keep balance from the frequent and intensifying rumbling.

"Can we use the explosives from the armory to disable the engine?"  Hunter asked, his grip tightening on his blaster. He was getting angry with Crosshair's personal hunt for them.

Tech shook his head. "It won't cause a large enough reaction to affect the thermal chamber." He replied.

Alona groaned in frustration. "Why don't I just put my lightsabers through it?" She asked.

Tech gave her a disappointed look. "That would not work either." Then he shone his flashlight on the inside of the engine, mapping out a plan. "But, if we place a series of charges around this cone, we may be able to break away from the cylinder while destabilizing the core." He explained.

Omega's jaw drops. "Break away? You mean fall? All the way down?" She asked incredulously. Her grip tightens on Alona's hand.

Alona shrugged. "I'd survive."

"It's that or be incinerated." Echo replied, placing a comforting hand on Omega's shoulder.

Hunter pulled out six explosives and held them out like they were candy. "Everyone take an explosive. Tech, Omega, up top with me."

Omega let go of Alona's hand, grabbing an explosive. Alona reaches out and grabs one too and jumps down to get to the bottom of the engine's cone. She places it in the center while Echo places one on the right side and Wrecker does the same on the left. The other group mirrors that up top.

The explosives activate and the squad takes cover on the side of the engine. Wrecker holds up the button, his thumb hovering over it. "Everyone get down."

Alona and Hunter get on either side of Omega, trying to cover the child's body as best as they can. The engine turns on at the same time Wrecker presses the button. Alona could feel the heat radiating the entire area.

The engine blows, knocking the cone off of the rest of the Jedi cruiser. The squad begins to fall along with it.

"Hold on!" Tech warns.

They all get thrown forwards. Hunter wraps his arms around both Alona and Omega, trying to keep them close. The cone hits something and snaps in half, dividing the group in three.

Alona gets thrown out first, her body rolling across the filthy ground before slamming against a huge piece of scrap metal. She groans, pushing herself onto her hands and knees. "That sucked." She blurted, looking up for any sign of the others.

She was all alone.

Alona stood up, wincing at the pain in her injured arm. She pressed the button on her comm. "Hunter? Tech? Is everyone alright?" She asked, bending backwards to crack her spine.

Her comm beeps. "Alona, Hunter, do you guys copy? Tech, Wrecker, and I landed on the port side. What's your status?" Echo asked.

Alona looked around, having no idea where she ended up. "No clue, but I'm by myself." She replied, starting to walk in a random direction hoping that it will bring her to someone.

Her comm beeped again. "Omega and I are by the engine, and we've got company." Hunter reported. There were blasts heard from his side, but Alona could hear them not too far in the distance herself. She started running that way.

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