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Chapter 31 - Witchy Revelation

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There was a snore in my ear, pulling me from sleep. I woke up feeling the weight of a body atop me. Bastian. I inhaled, tried to shift, and found myself entirely trapped, so I lay there, blinking up at the ceiling in his room. My legs were parted, and he'd found a way between them, his entire body aligned to mine, sleeping on top of me. His face was nuzzled in the crook of my neck.

I swallowed. We were naked, and he was hard, his length pressing obscenely against my folds. If I shifted and squirmed, I could probably work him in. Heat flushed my face as memories from last night came rushing back, the way he'd fucked me from behind, the way I'd ridden him. We'd collapsed after that, at nearly five in the morning, and passed out. I hadn't even gone through my bedtime routine, which was why my face felt gritty with day-old makeup and I had to pee.

Groaning, I pushed him aside. He gave a staggered snore then readjusted, grabbing the closest pillow and pulling it towards him, wrapping his arms around it. I giggled silently, taking in the sight of him, all six foot something, layered with muscle, half his body covered in tattoos and piercings, rings on his fingers, beautiful gray skin, pointed ears, and black hair laced with deep green, fanning out around him.

Girl, you've got it so fucking bad!

If I didn't stop myself, I'd stand there gaping all day, so I slipped from his room, leaving him with Teddy, who lay curled up at the foot of the bed. I went to my bathroom. In front of the mirror, my mouth dropped open. My hand lifted to the crook of my neck, rubbing. I winced, only slightly. There was a small bruise there. It was tender—where he'd bitten me. I blinked and nearly choked. He'd fucking bitten me last night and it had been so damn hot. It hadn't been enough to break the skin, but still. I leaned closer, trying to get a good look at it. And yet, the longer I stared, the more it seemed to disappear, like it was taunting me. I frowned, my brows pulling together, then shook my head. A moment later, and it was gone, like I'd completely imagined it.

I rubbed my temples, then blinked. It was too fucking early, even though it was nearly noon. I hadn't had my coffee yet. Weird shit could wait. Instead, I found a makeup cleanser cloth, then washed my face and brushed my teeth—

"Running from me already, Sugar?" Came the deep voice from the doorway.

I squeaked, then coughed, spraying toothpaste on the mirror as I rounded on him, brandishing my toothbrush. He stood, back in his human form, propped in the doorway, arms crossed, amusement dancing on his face. I looked him up and down, completely naked, then rushed to spit and clean my mouth.

"Thanks for that," I said, rolling my eyes, then grabbed a towel and wiped the toothpaste off the mirror and counter. He chuckled, walking into the bathroom. My heart sped up as he stalked towards me. He took me by the hips and lifted me on the counter, coming to stand between my legs. Then his lips found mine, sweet at first, gentle, before a hand slipped into my hair, clenching into a loose fist, tilting my head back for better access.

How could I possibly ever deny him? His tongue swept in, grew hungrier. I sighed into his mouth.

"Good morning," he teased, pulling slightly away to look at me. "Think I might be lucky enough to get you in the shower?"

"That depends," I managed, trying to scowl for the toothpaste incident.


"Whether or not you'll make me breakfast?" I replaced my scowl with a charming grin, then wagged my eyebrows.

He laughed, the sound sending shivers over my skin. My grin widened and I blinked, soaking in the sight of him happy.

"How are you so fucking cute, even when you scowl at me?" he asked. "In fact, maybe I want to do more shit to piss you off, just so I can see the way it pulls your eyebrows together. I love that."

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by Melissa Mitchell
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