𝓼𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷; 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽

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Ten tense days had passed since Aegon's coronation. The black Queen remained silent; no communication had come through. Naerys' anxiety only grew from the lack of knowledge. She felt on edge every day she woke. She knew her mother, but more importantly she knew her stepfather and how easily he craved blood. She thought of her brother's, no longer with spite but with concern. If she had known the last time, she would see them was her wedding day perhaps she would have forgiven them a little easier. 

Aemond had not been around, he had been traveling from lord to lord seeking allegiance on behalf of Aegon. Aemond was bidding his time, knowing that his true loyalties lied with his wife. Naerys hated how she missed him. Alicent kept a close eye on the girl, though she had raised her she knew Naerys' loyalties sided with her mother, therefore a close eye was needed.

Naerys' sharp heels clicked against the marbled floor as her dress swished back and forth loudly, anyone would hear her coming, besides the drunken king passed out mindlessly in the iron throne. Her eyes scanned his slouched body, his elbow holding his lolling head. Dark circles embracing his closed eyes that you could barely see due to his long locks shading his face. Naerys' body tensed, anger consuming her as she climbed the steps to the throne, harshly shoving the king as she lowered her body to his height.

Aegon sat up, startled, his eyes blinking widely as the sleep left him, "What the hell?" He exasperated. Naerys did not stand, she continued to lean over the man, anger evident in her eyes. Aegon swallowed harshly at her demeanor, now nervous of what she would do. 

Her hands trapped him where he sat, the angry princess bracing herself with one arm on each rest. Aegon straightened, his face incredibly close to hers as they had a silent conversation. He watched as the storm brew in her eyes, the way her jaw clenched and how her throat moved as she swallowed whatever violent words threatened to come up.

"You steal my mother's crown for this?" Naerys spat, Aegon's eyes flickered down to her lips as he took a deep breath, "What is this?" Aegon replied, sounding bored but truly wanting nothing more than to disppear rather than deal with the vengeful princess lingering over his body.

"Drowning yourself in cups and napping on the throne whilst your mother and hand rule your country?" Aegon leaned forward angrily, closing the space between the two and causing Naerys' eyes to widen as she stood straight up, Aegon's body followed her as he stood in front of her.

"The crown is a heavy burden, one in which I did not ask for." Aegon shouted, frustration wearing on his face clear as days. His mouth turned downwards, tears almost threatening to spill from his eyes as they glossed over. 

Naerys swallowed roughly staring him in the eyes as the king broke before her, "but you have it, and you will not dishonor me by wasting it." She thought about her words as she spoke to him softly, stepping forward and reaching out to Aegon who flinched at her actions, furthermore, causing her heart to sink for he had not had a kind hand touch him in many moons.

He did not reply, only turned and threw himself into the iron chair, slouching as he rested his chin on his hand, dejectedly watching the princess before him. Slowly she approached him, this time less angrily and carefully kneeled before him, her hands resting on his knees. 

"If you're going to bear her crown upon your head, then you must prove to me you deserve it." Naerys whispered softly as her outstretched hand reached forward and grabbed the hand that Aegon was using to support his head, he turned his head eyeing the girl in the face. His eyes tired as he mumbled to her, "I do deserve it, that's what mother says." his voice was callous as the words left his mouth.

"You dig your own grave, brother." she says gently, her hand brushing his hair from his face, "Your people say you will drink yourself away. King Aegon the Drunken Fool." 

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang