Chapter 13

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"It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them." Rhaenyra stated.

"What insults?" Viserys questioned.

"The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question." Rhaenyra answered.

"What?" Viserys asked.

"He called us bastards." Jace spoke.

Elaena hummed, now fully grasping what just happened.

"My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders." Rhaenyra muttered.

"Rhaenyra." Elaena warned.

"Elaena, your cousins have been attacked with insults." Rhaenyra replied.

"Her cousin was also maimed and lost an eye." Alicent stated.

"Do not weaponize the word treason, Nyra." Elaena mumbled.

"Over an insult?" Alicent questioned, "My son has lost an eye." She added.

The tension between the Queen and the Princess was growing thick, defending their children.

"You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?" Viserys asked Aemond.

"The insult was training yard bluster. The lot of boys. It was nothing." Alicent stated.

Elaena raised her eyebrow, listening to them.

"Aemond... I asked you a question." Viserys ordered.

"Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter." Alicent questioned.

Elaena heaved a sigh at the obvious diversion Alicent did.

"Yes. Where is Ser Laenor?" Viserys asked.

"I do not know, Your Grace. I... could not find sleep. I had gone out to walk." Rhaenyra answered.

"Entertaining his young squires, I would venture." Alicent spoke.

Elaena clicked her tongue in disapproval at what she said, gave Alicent a look and glared at the smiling Cole, who immediately straightened out as he saw how Elaena looked at him.

"Aemond... look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?" Viserys asked.

Elaena hummed as she saw Aemond glanced at Alicent.

"It was Aegon." Aemond answered.

Viserys then approached them, while Elaena raised her eyebrow and shot a disappointing look at Aemond who looked away.

"Me?" Aegon whispered while still hiding behind Elaena.

"And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies? Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!" Viserys screamed.

Both Aegon and Helaena flinched and moved closer to Elaena as Viserys yelled while Elaena remained unfazed, her face held no emotions as she stood in front of Viserys, not minding that she showed him no respect as the King.

"We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them." Aegon answered.

"This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it!" Viserys ordered.

"That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged, permanently, my king. 'Good will' cannot make him whole." Alicent stated.

"I know, Alicent, but I cannot restore his eye." Viserys breathed.

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