A Truth woven in lies

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The first thing Shaira noticed as she entered Vanidestine's estate is the car- specifically, the Sebestian car. Noone even Daniel ever came inside the Vanidestine. He would always pick her up from outside. She doesn't want any of Vanidestine to know her friends either.

Her heart thumped. As their eyes met Shaira signed him to get out from there. Her panicked behavior was quite amusing for Sebastian. He winked at her making Shaira bawl her fist.

Maximus' eyes furrowed as he saw an unknown person leaning against the car on his patio. He glanced at Shaira who was looking straight at the person signing him something and showing him the 'dead' sign afterward making Maximus more curious about them.

As the car stopped. Shaira dreaded getting down of the car. She waited for ten seconds. Maximus was looking at her weirdly. Before, Maximus could even say something. Sebastian opened the door for Shiara.

"At your service, my lady" Sebastian bowed like a gentleman winking at her and making rough eye contact with Maximus. With one glance, both could feel intense hostility toward each other. Shaira stared at him wide-eyed. Shaira was scared but she knew she needed to get down to solve the problem at least

She sighed and came out of the car and before she could decipher, she was wrapped in someone's arms.

"You are okay. I was so damn worried about you."  Sebastian sighed in Shaira's neck making her much more aware of her position. His breath and lips could directly be felt on her skin. After coming out of a coma state, she abruptly took a step back. Her face was bright red. Maximus cleared his throat giving a hard glare to Sebastian.

"Who are you and why are you hugging my little sister?" Maximus sneered putting up a protective stance in front of Shaira.

"Who are you to ask me that?" Sebastian glared at Maximus. Even Sebastian don't know how Shaira was treated at this house, but he was sure of one thing, they had hurt her. They had hurt her so much that she was even afraid of telling anything to anybody. So, his anger towards them came naturally.

"Be careful brat. I am her brother." Maximus said taking a step ahead toward Sebastian. Sebastian could not help but scoff at his remark making Max more angered than before. Shaira's eyes widen as she saw Maximus bawling his fist to give Sebastian a hard punch. Before anything could happen, Shaira intervened between them.

"Back off, both of you, now!" Shaira's silent command resonates in the entire patio making both of them look at her. Maximus could feel the same amount of force in her words as his eldest brother has which was quite nerve-wracking for him. He took a step back and Seb did too.

"He is just my friend-"

"I am her boyfriend."

Shaira's inflated confidence of just a moment back busted like a balloon as she stared wide-eyed at Sebastian. "What?" Both Shiara and Maximus shouted at him.  Shiara could not fathom where the heck this came from.

"What cub?  I think we should make it official now, right?" Sebastian as he side-hugged Shaira. 

"Do you even know what you are talking about, you idiot?" Shaira whispered to Sebastian giving him a slight pull while Maximus was still in shock. Before anyone could say anything Shaira sneezed making Maximus take her to his side giving Sebestian a strong glare. 

"Let's go inside first. Shaira would be sick." Maximus said.

"We are going to die soon, Sebastian. Thanks to you." Shaira's conscience cheered.


Everyone was in the living room. Mr. Aestus and Dexton had gotten urgent work so they would be late. That meant, Alkov would be in charge of the household, and Shiara dreaded about that. She knew Alkov hated her- to the bone and everything about her pissed him off. Shaira could not even say aloud that Sebastian is not her boyfriend as she did not want her first friend to be introduced as a certified liar. Her breath got caught in her throat when Ezra asked.

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