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Valerie's POV

Kissing two men in a day is something I never saw coming. This is another thing that reminds me of my friendship with Brenda who used to call me a judgmental bitch jokingly.

Now that I think of it, I'm sure she meant it.

I always nag her for going out with more than one man in a day and she tells me it's nothing.

All my life, I have always wanted Fred to be my only man. Even after he left, I didn't see the need to want to kiss some other man. I was irritated by the thought of it and now, I did not just kiss Ryan but also Fred in just a day.

When Fred kissed me, I was mad. Mad at myself for allowing him to do that. And mad at him for thinking he can get me jelly in the legs by kissing me.

But when Ryan kissed me, I wasn't mad. Disappointment is the word for what I feel. 

Almost two months ago, Ryan and I could barely stand each other. We signed a contract and he made some rules to ensure that we do not cross the line but he is the one breaking the rules himself.

I am highly disappointed.

He thinks kissing me would console me. But he is wrong. I will be inconsolable if anything happens to my father.

I blame myself for not being able to help him. I am married because of this yet I feel so helpless and useless. 

Why can't I use this to my advantage? Why am I even married to a billionaire in the first place?

My father is dying there just because he is about to lose everything he has worked his ass off for and here I am getting kissed by two men in a day without a sense of dignity and responsibility on how to take care of him.

I feel stupid.

"Valerie, what the hell happened?!" My mom yells as she grabs the collar of my top. Gently, I put her hand away, glancing down at her dress.

"Where are you coming from?" I attack her instantly, my gaze shifting back to her face.

When Ryan called me to inform me that my father was in the hospital, I was confused at first as to how Ryan got to know about my father before me. I called my mother and she wasn't aware either, so I told her the hospital's address while I drove here.

Where was she when he lost consciousness? What if Ryan wasn't there, what would have happened?

"Mom, where were you…" she stops me from yelling at her again with her finger touching my lips to shut me up. 

She moves closer and whispers into my ears. "I went to your father-in-law's office."

I blink and look at her again, from head to toe. She went to Ryan's father's office. What for?

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