🐈 Twenty Seven

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It was Kenzie and Marshall's big day, but it was a hell of a big day for Cliff, too. Apart from family and friends, no one other than a few customers at the orchard had seen his face yet--and here he was walking up the aisle arm-in-arm with Annie, surrounded by people, about to stand behind the other groomsmen in front of the entire crowd, his face on full display.

Somehow, with her by his side, it didn't seem to matter so much. He wasn't bowing his head in fear of being stared at, or trying to tune in to any whispers that started as he passed by. All he could focus on was how it felt to be next to her--like every inch of him was at ease and on fire all at once.

The weather was perfect: a mild day with just a hint of a breeze to keep the guests cool in their autumn attire. Soft sunlight shone down on the rows of white chairs that sat neatly in the grass, the wedding arch made of clusters of white roses and baby's breath, and the expanse of the orchard that was the perfect backdrop for a day as important as this.

It was the wedding his sister deserved, and the one he knew she'd been waiting for all her life. In fact, it occurred to him that she might have played wedding right in that very spot as a kid, dressed up in her white dress with rows of her stuffed animals lined up to watch the make-believe ceremony. Marshall might be interested to know she married a few teddy bears before he came along.

He shared a smile with Annie as they parted, heading to opposite sides of the arch, the last couple to walk the aisle. Cliff stood behind Dawson, who was behind Jack and David. Marshall stood under the arch, watching the corner of the barn, hands clasped together. If it weren't for the white knuckles, Cliff would've thought all the man's nerves had dispelled. As it was, it seemed like he was doing a pretty good job of keeping them at bay.

Cliff brought his attention to the end of the aisle just in time to see Kenzie, arm in arm with their father, come around the side of the barn, every bit as beautiful and happy as he knew she'd look.

He couldn't help the tears that sprang to his eyes--she was really getting married. Sure, he'd known it for months. But seeing her in that flowy white dress, a bigger grin than he'd ever seen her wear as she and Roman walked up the aisle... it hadn't felt real until just then.

His baby sister was all grown up. More than that, she was happy. When Roman lifted her veil and kissed her forehead, she whispered words of love before stepping under the arch where Marshall was waiting.

Neither of them needed to worry about vows--Cliff doubted there was a dry eye in the room for either of the speeches, filled with promises of love and devotion, and gratitude for the friendship that had been able to blossom into something more. Cliff had never expected to want something like that for himself, but found that now he couldn't help it. When he pictured his future, he no longer pictured himself alone. He wanted his family, wanted friendship, but there was something else he'd never considered wanting before he met Annie. 

He wanted romance. Someone to wake up to, to kiss good morning before breakfast. To take out on dates, to dote on,  A woman to end the day with, winding down in front of the TV with warm mugs of tea and soft conversation. He wanted... her. 

When the ceremony ended and the rest of the guests headed inside for the reception, Kenzie and Marshall's family and friends stayed outside for the photos. Despite the initial spike of his nerves, Cliff found himself much more unaware of the camera than he'd expected. The idea of looking at himself in the pictures later remained unappealing, but it was hard to be tense when he was celebrating with all the people he loved most.

Love was a word he never pretended to know much about. He loved his family, and for most of his life, that was it. He'd never had any friends close enough to say he loved them, and he'd never been interested in the romantic side of life. But now...

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