4🌸 The Resignation Letter

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Sara, shocked by the news, felt a wave of concern as she contemplated how to secure the remaining funds. Her granny's cafe income, which already struggled, couldn't cover the fees of the prestigious university. The scholarship, once her beacon of hope, now seemed to be slipping away, leaving her unprepared for this unexpected turn of events.
"But... but the results came out late...! What can I do..? It's the university's fault. They shouldn't have given me admission in the first place...! I mean, what will I do? From where will I arrange the money...!" she revolts, holding back her tears.
"Is there any other way out...? Please check if it is...as you can't bombard me like this suddenly!" she says in a shivering tone.
"Despite the initial setback, there's still a chance. You can retake the test, and if you score higher, that percentage will be considered for the scholarship. It's a second opportunity, but make sure to make the most of it, as it's your last chance in this case." suggests the admin officer looking at her helplessness.

Despite the daunting risk, Sara realized the importance of the second attempt. With her scholarship hanging in the balance and financial constraints pressing, she steeled herself for the challenge. There was no guarantee of success, but the determination to secure her place in the university and overcome financial hurdles fueled her resolve. In this do-or-die situation, she made a firm commitment not to let this opportunity slip away.
"You can download the course from the website. But yes, this time, you'll be represented by your class mentor. Also, they'll be the ones who'll be guiding you if you need any help."
"Men... Mentor?"
"Yeah, a list will be distributed soon to your class. You can check for your mentor there. Collect the form from the eligibility test from counter 1 get that filled by your mentor and submit it soon."
Sara collects the form from the counter and leaves with slow steps, thinking about how she will manage the studies and test preparation at the same time. The test wasn't easy at all, knowing that her grasping power is slow. She took a deep breath as she shrugged her head and jerked off all the negative thoughts that were haunting her, as she decided to remain positive and hope for the best.

Lost in thought, Sara headed towards the canteen, only to find Ishan smoking with new friends. Filled with fury, she grabbed his hand and forcefully dragged him away from the scene.
"Wh...What-What-What!? Why are you dragging me!?" says Ishan while trying to throw the cigarette.
Sara brought him to an empty corner and pushed him back.
"What!?" says Ishan, getting scared and puzzled.
"Are you...are you like, trying to hit on me...!" says Ishan while smirking when she kicks his foot as he flinched in pain while holding onto his leg.
"Shut up, you pervert! What were you doing there? Smoking." enquires Sara as she folds her arms.
"Haa!? No! Not at all!" he says while escaping eye contact.
"Do you have a death wish!? You have been caught red-handed, should I tell this to your dad..! " she says in a threatening tone.
"Okay-Okay! I'll tell you the truth. Yea, I did, and I lied. Now, are we good!? Please zip your mouth, or dad will beat the hell out of me! " he says in a begging tone.
"Ishan...! What do I do with you!? I am already screwed!" says Sara in a wounded tone as she narrates the whole incident, which took place at the admin office word by word.
Feeling Sara's distress, Ishan, fearing the possibility of her skipping university, pulled her into a comforting hug. As tears streamed down her face, he gently patted her back, becoming restless at the thought of how she would navigate through these challenges, considering the heavy load she was already carrying.
"No...! You can't leave the university! I'll pay your fees. I'll take the responsibility...!" he says while giving her the assurance.
"Where will you get the money? Will you rob, kill, or kidnap or will sell off your kidneys? You aren't even a graduate... you dumb." she says while breaking the hug.
"Then what! Do you have any other way!?" he says in frustration.
"They asked me to connect with the teacher-mentors being allotted to us by the HOD's they'll represent me for taking the test."
Ishan tries to give her a back hug when she punches him with her elbow, and he falls to the ground in sharp pain.
"Ahh...What was that!!" says Ishan while getting up and holding his stomach.
"Don't you dare to smoke or I'll hang you...!" warns Sara.

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