𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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♪ Cold world out there, kids, grab your coats
Been a minute, I know, now I'm back to roam ♪

Maya Martinez POV

I can say that I was fuming. This woman had the audacity to insult me, doubt the paternity of my child, and scream in my face. I lost control. I yelled back and I insulted her back, I didn't call her a slut but I think I did well.

The next day, while we watched the third practice, I see Isabel outside of the garage talking with one of the security guards.

"I couldn't mention it yesterday because after dinner we all went our separate ways but that girl is crazy. Who does all that for an ex who has clearly moved on?" Camila asks still surprised and I shrug.

"I don't know. I think she is still stuck in the past, she is a problem. I feel for her but I am going to put myself first. I don't care" I say looking at her and she must've felt watched because she looked inside the garage and saw me. In my most sassy moment, I raised my hand, smiled, and waived. Bitch.

"She is fuming, she is waiting for you to come out of the garage or Carlos. She is not done yet" Mariana says and I nod.

"I know. She should leave or I will make her regret her decision" I say and they look curiously at me.

"What are you going to do?" Mariana asks excitedly.

"I am being petty, I want her gone. She is stressing me and I don't want to lose the baby" I say and they nod as we see on the screens that qualifying has finished.

I watched Carlos entering the garage as he took his helmet off and then his balaclava, messy hair was definitely a plus on him. He ran his hand through his hair while trying to put it together. He gives me a huge smile, I take a peek at Isabel who was trying to convince the security to get in while watching closely.

"That was great" I say as he gets closer.

"I'm glad you liked it, I wish it was better but 4th is not bad at all" He says and I nod.

"Come closer" I say and he is surprised. He takes a look around, shrugs, and gets closer to me.

"Is something wrong with my face?" He asks confusedly, I put my hand on his neck and get on my tip toes so I could kiss him. As soon as he felt our lips touch I feel his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer. It lasted longer than I expected and it was better than what I remembered.

"I wasn't expecting that" Mariana says surprised and I shrug, I had to do what I had to do.

"Neither was I" Carlos said still surprised by what had happened.

"LET ME IN" We hear Isabel's screams and we all look.

"Oh, you are throwing gasoline to the fire" Carlos says and I laugh.

"No, she is the one who will end up getting burnt. She has to know her place, she pissed me off" I say and he nods kissing my forehead.

"You are crazier than what I had expected" He says with a smile and one of the engineers calls him.

"That was a win-win. You can kiss Carlos and also see his ex get jealous. What a clever girl uh?" Camila says proudly and I let out a laugh.

"I did what I had to do, she needs to go. She is doing too much, I felt sorry for her but she chose to be mad at me when they were over for months when it happened. It's not my fault but she made it my problem" I say and they nod.

"That was smart and petty, I would do the same. Every time I could I would touch him and get closer to him, she will get the message" Mariana says and I couldn't agree more.

Carlos and Charles went to do some media activity so we could leave soon after. I was supposed to stay in the hospitality with the girls to avoid finding Isabel without Carlos close by but I was not feeling good. I told them I needed to go to the bathroom and sat outside for a bit.

"I thought you would always have someone around" I hear Isabel say and take a deep breath.

"I don't need someone by my side 24/7" I say not worried about her, touching me would not end well for her. That was clear yesterday.

"Do you think this will last forever? He is with you for the baby, if it's even his child" She says sitting by my side and I try to keep calm.

"I have a baby to be born, I have only been with him even if that's none of your business. He is the father, and we are trying to get along so co-parenting will be easy. I don't care what his ex thinks, you are his ex for a reason. Get over it and move on" I say without even looking at her, she is stressing me.

"I know Carlos like no one does, I have him wrapped around my finger" She says and I laugh, I couldn't help it. I didn't even try.

"At least you have something on your finger because from Carlos you wouldn't have a ring so you could say the same" I say and she is angrier than ever.

"Do you think you are better than me? Tomorrow we will be sharing a bed and I will take that child from you as soon as he is born" She says getting up and leaving. I feel a sharp pain in my lower stomach but ignore it, she is getting on my nerves.

Now I can't stop to think, would he really choose her after being broken up for 6 months? Why do I even care? I shouldn't care about this. I should care because she threatened to take my baby from me. This is definitely a challenge she won't win. Carlos and her won't be sharing a bed tomorrow night or my ego will be seriously bruised, and he is already pretty fragile.

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